TC Fiction [Insurgence] Part 2

Day 1,291, 23:58 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

Classified Mission
Time: 20:00
Date: 6/30/2013
12 Days after bombs
Location: Classified

Maj. Lolo Combodo

Roo Rocket, Dravencult, and I landed in a drop-zone that was labeled “Forgotten” due to it being so close to the bombed area. We came here tonight because we received word that there were survivors in a bunker, whether they were friendlies, or enemies though…we still do not know…

As we pushed into the Hot Zone we stopped at a few corpses that littered the highway…the only reason we stopped was to take a breath and get logistics from HQ about terrain. The corpses troubled us, as well as made us think about what was happening…The corpses showed signs of flesh that looks like it was eaten, the teeth marks were definitely human…I examined the bite marks “guys we may have a problem in the zone.” Roo and Draven both turned and kneeled down to see what I was examining They each took turns as one of us took turns to make sure nothing came upon us. We were halfway into the Zone when we began to hear this eerie moaning noise, almost as if there was a dying animal, or human in the ruins. I turned to ask if they heard the noise, but before I could Draven rose his Rifle yelling “Stand down!!! STAND DOWN!!!” He cocked the hammer and shot a warning shot near the feet of the shuffling figure near him. Roo then turned to his left and yelled the same warning…The figures responded only with a sickening groan. I patted Roos and then Dravens as I backed into a ruined building “we need to get the higher ground…something is not right here…

We hurried up the building, checking every room as we went…there was something very wrong here…something evil…nothing about this was natural. When we made it up to the roof we sealed the door behind us. Roo took out his laptop and started up his communication sequence as I searched radio channels to see if I could pick up any frequency. Draven walked around the roof looking for possible exits as well as trying to find out just what the hell is down in the ruins. I kept tuning…not picking up anything, when Roo looked up and said “boss you might want to see this.” I calmly walked over to his command post and saw his screen…our helicopter at the drop zone looks like someone had set off a grenade in it…our pilot was dead pieces of him were everywhere…his sidearm on the ground by his seat. “What the hell happened?” I looked at the screen as Draven ran over shaking. “boss ummm…ummm here” he handed, me his weapon, it scope was long range Thermal to see through the haze in the ruins.”Hurry” he said. So I left Roo and went to Draven, I looked out to see…I put the scope down, wiped the sweat from my brow, then peered into the Thermal again…”This is so not happening.” I said as I gave Draven his rifle back “Roo, get a hold of HQ PRONTO!” I said, Roo nodded quietly as I went to the door and opened it to peer into the stairwell…I saw nothing so I shut it and pulled out some chain and a lock and padlocked the door for the night.

Soon after 1600 we got contact, I went to the screen and reported what I saw…The dead were roaming the earth…My Commanding Officer looked away for a second then responded “are you sure Lolo” I nodded and showed her the screen of the copter…but the pilot was gone. “What the Hell?” I said as Roo and Draven came over and saw the screen…”Yes ma’am I am sure.” My Commanding officer picked up her phone, there was inaudible talking then she was back. “Extraction will be in 3700 hours, until then do NOT move from your location under ANY circumstances…are we clear?” She said, we all nodded and saluted as she cut the transmission…as soon as she did however, the door began to creak and began to push out…A sickly gruesome hand reached out and touched the padlock…it kept touching it as well as reach for the handle…they were here…