TC Fiction [Insurgence] Part 1

Day 1,282, 19:23 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

Time: 0800
Date: 6/22/2013
4 days after bombs dropped
BG Ethan Deluca USTC

It has been exactly 4 days since President Glove ordered the destruction of 15 Major Cities around the United States…4 days since the Indonesian army has retreated back to their home…4 days since…since I last called this battleground my home.

Sitting in the chopper flying over the abandoned TC HQ I looked around at the team I was given. Captain Komari of Alpha Company, Captain Louis Flood of Bravo Company, and 1stLieutenant Umbertoheli of the 312th Platoon in Bravo Company. I trusted these men with my life as they did with me; we had a pilot from the Airborne Infantry who was pretty damn good, but on to more important matters. Our mission was to inspect and help build defenses for cities close to the blast Our Targeted Cities were; Topeka, Dallas, and Fayetteville. Areas we were assigned include; around Kansas City, Tulsa, and Mineral Wells. Though the areas are small, we have information that insurgents and USTC personnel may be trapped inside these areas…I can only hope they made it to safety… The pilot turned as we were headed into this ominous looking cloud “Everybody fasten your belts and pull you masks on and tighten the free space down…we will be in the drop-zone in five!”He said with a strong southern drawl as he pulled on his own mask. We all maintained silence as we secured ourselves and closed the doors of the helicopter. We all knew what was ahead…a giant haze of fallout from the blasts mixed in with rain and storms in the area…this was going to be a risky mission.

We landed outside Kansas City exactly 5 miles from the town center so we all jumped off quickly weapons drawn close”alright men no surprises we are Danger close, we are alone until the storms over and we are able to get eyes in the sky…are we clear” I said solemnly with the mask muffling my voice. They all nodded as we saluted the pilot he shut the doors and took off again towards the HQ for refueling. Two hours later we arrived at the city limits, it was still pouring down still, the ground steamy, and the air alone could kill you if you were not wearing a suit. We kept on the path, the city walls surrounding us, I stopped the squad as we took cover behind a pharmacy, and I could hear the low rumble of a machine and talking. I ordered Louis to scout ahead. He took off around the corner and all was silent, then what seemed like 15 minutes later Louis returned with a body draped over his shoulder, we all piled inside the Pharmacy. Inside we all made sure the area was secure, Louis gathered us around and explained that he had taken out some sort of Sentry team of unknown origin, so we scanned through the body. The body had an insignia, upon further investigation we found a USB drive on him, so we loaded up the computer and plugged in the drive. We waited a minute then it popped up in a strange language. Louis’s eyes nearly exploded when he noticed that the language was…Spanish…Now we have to deal with a new threat on American soil…the Spanish Invasion.