TC Fiction. [EPISODE 1]

Day 1,217, 12:58 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

The Titans
A private’s story of boot camp and life in the 321
By. Zachary Parsons

PVT Zachary Parsons

The transport came to a halt in front of a sand colored base known to all Training Corps graduates as Limbo. Limbo was where graduate trainees went to train for their upcoming military career, and where some…well that is a different story. I look to my left and lean over to talk to CII_Venom, my closest friend in the Training Corps, and I whispered “so venom, this is Limbo eh?”
He looked straight ahead and only nodded as MSG_RawrO came aboard the transport and the driver stood up, as did we, and saluted as he said “ATTENTION! XO ON DECK!” We all stood up and saluted high as she came aboard “Welcome Privates I am MSG RawrO, your Executive Officer, listen to what I say...and listen well when there is one Titan present two enemies fall to their death.” And with that said she walked off the transport.

Me and the four other trainees then got our clothes and walked off the transport and into the fenced off enclosure of Limbo. Behind me I heard PVT Ichigo whisper “Out of the frying pan…into the fire.” Days passed as we all trained rigously, I spared with everybody daily, and I won half the time to. When MSG RawrO came into the circle one day, took off her hat, sunglasses, and uniform top to where she was in her tank top and pants. I wiped the sweat from my brow right as she dropped the uniform, I didn’t even get a ready signal when she attacked, and she landed a series of dangerous blows to my face and chest. I got up and wiped the blood from my lips and nose, and saw a few of the other men smirk so I turned and blocked and parried all the blows I could, hell I even landed a few of my own, when Lady Raveena came in and stopped the fight “ENOUGH! You two get cleaned up and return to training. With that RawrO smiled and shook my hand, the next few days went by without incident, unless you count choochootrain almost killing Juan Ladino with a grenade, I even almost beat RawrO in sparring…almost being the keyword.

Months passed as we all got stronger and smarter, then…the Indonesian Army attacked, there were flashes of hot lead and shrapnel rocked all around us. Lady Raveena yelled over the intercom that we needed to get to the armory, we all sprinted, but all of us knew that we were just a small platoon…they had an army. At least we knew were not going to go out without a fight. We heard choppers and the sound of the mobile infantry of our own boys moving in as we were all gearing up. Choochoo and Juan grabbed their snipers, me and Venom grabbed our assault rifles and extra magazines, Ichigo grabbed the keys to his tank, after we geared up we ran outside as Corporals DarkFrost8855, and Killahtz were on the turrets sawing through waves and armor as if it were butter, PFC Chutley, PFC Woodstock Libertarian grabbed extra ammo and medical supplies and set up their medical bays incase of damage. Finally Captain Lady Raveena, and master-sergeant RawrO took up their arms and fought alongside us as we defended the shore of eUSA with all our might.

We fought for days, used all our fuel reserves, the military had set up a forward post for operations, but we were losing ground. I came back from a day of fighting as explosions got closer. All of us were tired, even Venom was talking…and Rawro was quiet, a bad sign. Five sleepless hours passed and I went out and joined the rest of the platoon as Lady Raveena stopped me and grabbed me by the arm and said “We have lost this battle we are moving…GET DOWN!” next thing I knew there was a bright flash and fire consumed the air and ground around me. I woke up being dragged off by Venom and RawrO to a evac chopper I looked down to see that there was blood pouring out of me…I was bleeding to death, Lady Raveena was sitting upright in front of me yelling “You will be alright, stay with me…stay with…”RawrO yelled as explosions and bullets rattled the chopper”GET DOWN!”As the chopper pilot went limp, RawrO jumped in the cockpit and grabbed the stick and kept us afloat. The last thing I saw before the world went black…was the view of my base, tattered, torn, and overrun by the Indonesian army…

The Indonesian army was advancing close to Limbo as I stood next to Zachary Parsons firing away at the encroaching wave of these Indo bastards, Zach yelled “Reloading!” MSG RawrO came up to his spot and began to saw her way through the enemies; I continued to fight until it was time to break for the day. Soon we were all in the barracks asleep…Zach was awake cleaning his weapon, Juan and choochoo were gearing up for tomorrow, RawrO and Lady Raveena were discussing strategies for tomorrow when an officer from the Marine Corps came up and blocked my view of them. I fell soundlessly into slumber…as the bombs got closer. I woke up and saw Zach was finally asleep, so I grabbed my gear and went to the post to continue fighting, Lady Raveena came up to me and informed me to help load up gear for a retreat, issued by president Glove himself.

I was loading for hours when the bombs dropped. I loaded up the last bit of gear onto the Black Hawk chopper before it took off, just as it was above our heads I heard an explosion so close it threw me into the medic tents with Chutley, and Woodstock. Lady Raveena yelled “MEDIC!!! MEDIC!!!” Me Chutley and Woodstock ran to where Lady Raveena was yelling and saw that a bomb had exploded right above them and nearly leveled the Limbo base, Zach was on the floor…his body was torn and beaten, we had to get him to the med evac chopper 40 yards RawrO was already running to us. Lady Raveena yelled as the Indo army started pouring through the holes left in the wall. Choochoo and Juan were up in the air with Ichigo with our last chopper. Chutley and Woodstock yelled “Go! Get him out, we will hold them off!” Me and RawrO grabbed Zach and Lady Raveena, and ran for the chopper; Zach was groaning…I don’t think he will make it. We got in the Chopper and I looked back as we increased our air level to see Chutley and Woodstock hold their own while running to an ally humvee. RawrO yelled” GET DOWN!”As the chopper pilot went limp, RawrO jumped in the cockpit and grabbed the stick and kept us afloat. I grabbed the 50 cal Machine gun and I started to rip through any enemy I saw, I looked back to see Zach…passed out as the Medic worked on him the best he could.

We arrived at the Training Corps Head Quarters five hours later. Zach was breathing, but he was out cold, the medic told us he had a 40/60 chance of survival. A humvee pulled in four hours later and Chutley and Woodstock got out…they looked tired and beaten, Chutley even talked, he said “those Indo bastards took everything I have ever known…when do we get pay back?” Lady Raveena shook her head and hung it low, all of us were soaked in blood, and most of it was Zach’s.

A medic came out three hours later, he told us Zach made it out of surgery just fine…bruised but fine, We looked up and saw none other than Mr. Incredible himself Zach walking out he walked up in his surgery gown and said “It will take more than a damn bomb to kill me.” And he shook our hands and it even looked like RawrO shed a tear…funny thing is I think she was laughing, because after he was done the doctor turned around and took Zach back inside, his ass hanging out for the entire world to see. We all turned around laughing, as Juan, Ichigo, and Choochoo landed with none other than the CO of the Training Corps General Morgan Alexandros, she got off the chopper escorted by the three Trainees and we all saluted. She walked up to RawrO and Lady Raveena and they had a long discussion, then she told both that there was a debriefing in 0800 hours, they saluted and walked away as the General walked inside.

Lady Raveena turned to us and said “well men, were going back to Limbo” and she told us to get ready we move out in 1200.