TC Episode 2

Day 1,222, 11:21 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

Training Corps Headquarters

Location: Undisclosed/in Kansas
Time: 1600
USTC joint task force press conference

“The Indonesian forces are taking strategic outposts in the West…we cannot allow this to continue, their forces have reached as far as the TC outpost in the Oklahoma panhandle…If they continue…they will surely overrun us and the American life as we know it.” President Glove’s voice was grim and desperate over the monitor. The entire TC command was here, and even a few of the other branches of military were sitting around discussing strategy and how they would take losses when they came.

We were all about 5 hours into the briefing with the President coming back every so often, and talking with his advisors as he does, we were almost at the end of the briefing of Glove’s conference when the electric went out…explosions started to rattle the air around us, Captain Adam Keeley turned to me throwing me my custom M16 with Red Dot sights and Silencer already equipped and said “Ethan get to the front were going to lead the assault!” He then turned to Major Boboy and threw him his weapon telling him the same as Adam cocked his 9mm Baretta handgun and we all proceeded to the front of the group.

To our left was 2ndLT Lady Raveena, and her XO MSG RawrO “they got close to the door and told Adam that they had men up above that could probably use some help…We looked behind us to see everyone else gearing up, grouping together, so Adam and Lady Raveena told them where the Evac Helios were. They all proceeded to move out towards the landing pads while the five of us started to make our way up top, when Lady Raveena’s comm. went off in her ear. A scraggly voice came in over the radio “Ma’am we are being overrun…we are retreating back inside and setting up for evac if need be.” The voice ended in static and gunfire. RawrO turned to Lady Raveena with concern on her face as she commed back up, we were moving up, about halfway up the stairwell an explosion rocked the foundation of the building as a hole opened 15 feet up, we all retreated into the shadow as Ethan moved up silently he drew his Bowie knife and looked ahead and signaled up three Indo commando units.

The commandos were speaking in their comm. Units in Turkish, Ethan ran up and gutted the first one and ripped out his comm. off his head, as he threw the knife into the second ones head, right between his eyes, and leaped over his body and grabbed the third and snapped his neck like a twig. He looked down and whispered “lets go.” As he picked up his knife, he also took their pistols and handed them to everyone else s he sheathed his knife and took point ahead and smiled "c'mon if we do not hurry, we will miss all the fun." RawrO and Lady Raveena came up to speed with us and informed us the their MSG choochootrain is leading the resistance force above, and is holding them off nicely with Zachary’s and Dark Frost’s forward defenses (a.k.a their BFG’s.)

Minutes later we reached the surface amidst another wave of Indo attacks when a comm. came in from one of the Helicopters that was taking off behind us “Lady Raveena its Ichigo thought you guys could use a hand.” He said as he swerved in front of the building and unloaded his ammo stock…all of it. RawrO and I were at the stair windows sawing through enemies with our m16’s destroyed the last of them, we all threw the boards down as Zachary Parsons, choochootrain, and Dark Frost escorted the troop out…we were all on, but the bird was too heavy, Zach looked around and saluted us all and bailed out, as did RawrO, and choochootrain. I looked down at them then looked to Ethan and Adam, saluted and bailed just in time as a wave of Indo’s stormed in again…we looked up and saw all the Helios leaving the area. I took charge and backed up into the building…

We boarded it up again and went for higher ground I looked ahead as missiles flew into the lobby and exploded behind us and I yelled out for all them to hear “WE ARE ALL THAT’S LEFT, NO TURNING BACK! NO SURRENDER! IF WE ARE TO TRY AND TURN THE TIDE…WE MUST STAND HERE!” I looked outside and saw an Indo with a RPG, I did not say anything, only pointed and aimed and took the bastard down…I grinned and kept climbing and laughed “THAT WILL TEACH YOU TO MESS WITH MY OFFICERS!”