TBP: Reform, Refocus, Rebuild

Day 814, 15:35 Published in Australia Australia by Melchizedek Smith

I have had many queries over the last few days from people asking what it is exactly I aim to do with the TBP and how I plan to achieve my goals. So let's get to it.


Prior to corny-ratbag's exit from eRepublik their was talk in the forum of reforming the TBP. The reforms I speak of have been in no way suggested to change the underlying principals of the TBP, but rather to refine them. At present the TBP has a large statement of beliefs yet no formal charter or program by which these beliefs are defended. It is apparent that it was corny's aim, and now my own, to simplify that statement of beliefs and to commence work on a charter that will help direct members to attaining those common goals.


Before we can start to grow again as a party we need first to conceed that the party is not completely as once was. No longer can we rely too heavily on the longevity of the party or the more influential members, but instead we must begin to look at how the younger of our community can be nurtured not only within the political sphere but throughout their eLife. Communication becomes vital here, and hence it will be my aim to improve communication with the party members through public means such as articles and advertising, private means such as our forum, and personal such as individual messaging. Once we hold a common vision, it is then that 'together' we can rebuild.


I am a sincere believer that if we focus more on what we have and on strengthening that, that the necessary rebuilding will follow. Like a plant that has been allowed to whither in the heat, our objective now is to carefull prune, removing the decay that is keeping us from thriving, and by paying particular attention to that which remains it will not be long before we begin to see growth more magnificent than times past.

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By working together we can continue to build a better eAustralia.

Melchizedek Smith,
TBP PP Candidate
Proud eAustralian