Tax Reform And other news

Day 1,086, 11:37 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

We have passed the most important legislation regarding tax reform today. Food taxes where changed and everyone will begin to notice to reduced prices and more offers on the market. As we continue to complete the tax reform progress more and more items will go down in price and the cost of living in eIsrael will decrease for the better of all.

We could not maintain the same backwards policies. Highly protectionist tariffs for a small country with no resources doesnt work. Prices go up competition dies as well as lack of foreign investment. This doesnt help at all. Income taxes went up slightly to make up for the difference but the decrease in import taxes will lead to creation of new jobs cheaper commodities and higher wages.

Dont let people tell you otherwise. Its most likely because they have private interests in mind not the interest of the eIsraeli People. They like the high import taxes because it keeps out competition and allows them to control the market. They are the ones driving your prices up and wages down. Dont be fooled or manipulated.

In other news 3000 NIS has been approved for the eIDF. A new eIDF org will be created to house more food and supplies for the eIDF aswell.

Am Yisrael Chai
