Tax change proposal [New Zealand]

Day 1,090, 03:38 Published in New Zealand Slovenia by Don KronoX

Dear fellow congressman and citizens!

Before you are the new urgent tax change proposals. Due to the current economic circumstances we need to protect NZ economy and start boosting exports. Many entrepreneur invested lots of gold in NZ economy and now its time to start protecting local investments and economy. By voting yes for these changes will help employers and employees to a new better start and increase state budget.

The set of tax changes:

All Income Tax will stay at 15%

Import Tax 25%
VAT 10%

Moving Tickets
Import Tax 10%
VAT 10%

Import Tax 5%
VAT 10%

Import Tax 25%
VAT 10%

Import Tax 50%

Due to urgency, the tax proposals will be placed in congress between 20h-24h CET (7-12hours from now). You have 7 + 24 hours do decide and vote! (For the future changes we will try to give you 24 hour notice!)

Don KronoX
Vice President of New Zealand