Tallahassee Update

Day 307, 05:16 Published in USA Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

All right everyone, I just thought I should give you an update on how the SO is going.
It is going to be called TallahasseeMayorsOfficeSO, and it is currently on the waiting list,
so I am not sure how long it will take.
Until then, this will be our city paper, and I will post all updates here.
I am also thinking about what I should do about the library. I have been advised against them several times, but I feel that we could really do a great job with one. Tell me what you think.
Also, if you wish to be on the Citizens Advisory Committee, please PM me. I will select one person from each party, so I call out to all of you.
I am getting the letter ready that I am sending to the mayors, and I will publish it in here first.
Well, that's all for now,


Leo Ruby