Tallahassee Elections

Day 275, 06:58 Published in USA Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

Well, the elections are now over, and I feel it is my duty to report the outcome.
The winner was miguelguerin of the United Constitutionalists Party, formerly known as the GameFAQS party, who received 26 votes, 17.33%.
I received a mere 4 votes, and R. Mayor of the Libertarian Party, receieved 7.
In addition to myself, there was another candidate for the NAFAA, Kristof the Great, who also recieved 4 votes.
As a consequence of this, votes were split between us.
And last but not least, hartzl0r3 of the ultra conservative Illuminati party received 1 vote, and we can all breath a sigh of relief. Fnord.
Well, congratulation Miguel on you victory, and may your term be a prosperous one.
I plan on running again next month, but until then, good luck.
I would also like to take this moment to plug my own paty, the National Association for the Advancement of America.
Please join, as we are trying to enter the top 5 and need bright, intelliegent, civic minded people such as yourselves.