Taking A Break

Day 755, 08:34 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Zacrist Ale

Hey eSingapore!
Hola FAF!

I've accepted a 3 days camp at the last minute and I'm just writing telling everyone that I'll only be back on Friday, Singapore RL (GMT+😎.

I was appointed the Commandant of HG, and I've been spending time online in the wee hours of the morning and sometimes not sleeping for long periods, always on erep waiting to recieve and give out orders. Ever since Indo's attack on Penisular Malaysia I have not been feeling well and I think fatigue is finally catching up. I've decided to take a break from eRep for a few days to get back my health (lulz) and well catch up with my RL for awhile. Hopefully the camp I've accepted will get me enough outdoor excercise to get me back to a higher RL wellness level.

To those in eSingapore, a bountiful wargames to you.
To those in the military, no worries, the officers around are capable and I believe in them.
To my friends in eSingapore, See you in 4 days!
To my friends in FAF, Thank you for your hospitality and.. Kick those Phoenix *ss!
To my boss, no worries, I'll still be working and training, someone's doing it for me.
To the admins, I'm passing my account to a friend for 4 days. That friend has a family member who has an account and is sharing the same IP since it's the same router and computer so please do not ban them for multi-ing since, it's my account and I'm giving it to the one who doesn't have one just for 4 days while I'm gone in RL.

I won't be surprised to see that happening. 😕
See you guys in 4 days!
Zacrist 🙂