Tacointern's Final Campaign Article

Day 723, 10:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by Tacointern

Well, I think my computer can sense when I'm writing important articles because it always finds a way to erase them. As you may or may not know, the PP elections are in two days. I've written many an article explaining why I'm the best choice. For those of you who haven't seen, here is my platform one final time:

I've realized that our party needs to address three areas: Congressional Elections, Recruitment, and Activity. With my thoughts and plans, I think we can accomplish these things. So here we go.


As Party President, my aim would be to get 3 to 4 of our members into congress. We are the largest party in eSA, and I want everyone to know we are a legitimate party. This plan involves careful planning and coordination from everyone. Here's how it will work:

1. If you want to be a candidate, post on the forum just like this last election. We will then vote on what members we think are most qualified. The 3 to 4 that get the most votes will be our candidates.

2. These candidates WILL NOT make themselves candidates on their own. If people decide to use our party just to get into congress, I will replace them at the last minute with our candidates. This is because PP cannot just kick a person out.

3. With our candidates in place, we will provide our members with moving tickets if necessary to vote in other regions. Our party newspaper will keep track of what members need votes and will update the paper accordingly. Shouts as well as PMs will also be utilized, so I will need an active member to serve as Elections Coordinator (someone who also understands where votes are needed). Saving votes is also a successful strategy because you can see where it is futile to vote for someone.

4. As PP, I will not run for Congress, I will only help all of you get into Congress. If we coordinate carefully and with a little bit of luck, we can be successful.


Next, we need to address recruitment. I would like for a couple of members to serve as Recruitment Supervisors (or whatever title you want) to PM newcomers to the game. We need to physically talk to new citizens of eSA but not be too overbearing about stressing our party. We can stress getting involved early. I'd rather have a level 7 that contributes greatly than a level 20 that does nothing. Also, I will play around with more creative, outside the box advertising to create intrigue for our party.


Finally, I want to address Activity. Having active members will make everything easy. The above points address this some, but I think we should have other jobs to encourage activity. There's always room at the party newspaper, as well as recruiting people in RL, creating slogans, proposing ideas, getting the forum location out there, education, etc. Everyone will have something to do.

If elected, I will always be available to lend an ear or help out in whatever way I can. I'm sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give details as to why I should be PP, rather than just vague ideals. If I think of anything else (a lot of ideas have been running through my mind) that I forgot to mention, I will update my position. I am fully committed to this party, and I'm positive that I can put my strengths to good use as PP.

Travis may have the glamor, but I have the drive and determination to keep this machine running into the future.

It's up to you.

You've heard what each side has to say. I may not have the glitziest platform, but it will work. Function over form, as I like to say. I urge you, don't think your vote won't matter. In this election, EVERY vote will count.

I want to now open the forum to you. I want to hear any questions you have for me as a candidate for the Party Presidency. After all, this election isn't about me, and it isn't about Travis. It's about YOU. I want to open my ears to all of you, starting right now. I encourage you to send me any questions you have, either in a comment or PM. I am always available. And I am always here to lend a hand to whomever needs it. THAT you can count on.
