TAC in Congress: The Cat Among the Pigeons.

Day 734, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Johnobrow

Your favourite eRevolutionary party is taking part in congressional elections for the very first time in what, I am sure, will prove to be the start of a prominent role in the eUK political affairs. We currently have one MP, myself, and are looking to double this number through my own reelection in East Midlands and the right honourable Jan Baykara is looking for another term in London. His manifesto can be seen here.

We are running on the PCP ticket in a campaign focused on tackling elitism and imperialism. One of our main aims will be strengthening the country's regional councils. We want more funding, more support and more activity.

If you are a party member outside of London and the East Midlands then, though you are of course free to vote for whomever you please and I am sure you will judge the candidates with an appropriately critical eye, I personally urge you to consider voting PCP or TUP. These parties have proved themselves beyond doubt of being capable, trustworthy and truly representative congressmen, especially PCP. 😉

"The peoples' revolution will arrange its revolutionary organisation from the bottom up and from the periphery to the centre, in keeping with the principle of liberty." - Mikhail Bakunin

Anarchy in the UK! o/

MP + TAC Spokesman