Synergy Poll Results - 3/21/2010

Day 852, 23:14 Published in USA USA by Synergy Research Group

Table of Contents
1 - March Prize Winners!
2 - Presidential Approval Ratings
3 - "The Numbers"
4 - Current Events (EDEN, Hospital Changes, v2 Modules)
5 - Other Data
6 - Notes for Nerds
7 - Notes for Noobs
8 - Final Notes / Buy a Data Package!

March Prize Winners!

Before we dig into the results from the latest Synergy Poll, we have the pleasure of announcing the winners of the TEN prize drawings we had for participants in March. Every participant who returned a Synergy Poll form in March was entered for this random drawing. Thank you to all those who participated and a special thank you (again) to those who sponsored prizes for this month. If you are interested in sponsoring a prize for April, please see the Final Notes.

Without further ado...the winners for this month are....

March Prizes (listed with the sponsor):
1) where_is_waldo Q3 House (Alexander Whalen, eUS Ambassador to Thailand)
2) Automus Q3 House (Angelini)
3) Nate Meed Q1 House/14 USD (Alexander Whalen, eUS Ambassador to Thailand)
4) Sakkari 5 Q2 weapons (Dr. Tango on behalf of the Federalist Party)
5) Kenke Zerdon 5 Q2 weapons (Dr. Tango on behalf of the Federalist Party)
6) Xx-Calibur-xX 5 Q1 food (The Lord Pariah as The LULZ Prize)
7) Manic Eskimo 5 gold (Alexander Whalen, eUS Ambassador to Thailand)
😎 Romanov IV 3 gold (Zanmor's Way)
9) Da Boss 2 gold (LifesaverM and Life Enterprises)
10) Rob Klein 2 gold (Angelini)

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Presidential Approval Rating

Due to the limitations of eRepublik, the images are shrunk on the article page. Click on any chart in this article to see the full sized version. Hold down CTRL while clicking on an image in order to open a new tab/window.

The chart on the left combines "Slightly Approve" and "Approve" on the one hand and &quot😉isapprove" and "Slightly Disapprove" on the other.

President PigInZen makes his presidential debut with a solid overall rating of 82%. Though is is significantly lower than President Frost's ratings, it must be noted that a) Frost came into office after having already served a successful term in November and as a result had extraordinarily high ratings and b) as will be seen in the rest of the results, the public mood had plummeted across the board. President PigInZen's rating is not immune to this general decline in satisfaction. Notice that both in approving and disapproving citizens, the feelings are not strong in one direction or another, leaving plenty of room for dramatic improvement or decline over the next few weeks.

Where the economy is concerned, the President receives bittersweet news. On the one hand, there is a 7% improvement in the overall score to 79%, indicating that eMericans are somewhat more confident in this President's ability to handle the economy. On the other hand, that improvement comes entirely from More Active (more than 30 min/day) citizens among whom there was a 15% spike in approval. This was tempered by a 7% drop among Less Active (less than 30 min/day) citizens. Is the positive movement among More Active citizens a predictor of overall feelings or an anomaly? Will Less Active citizens share that optimism over the coming weeks? The answers to those questions could well influencing the election on April 5th should PigInZen run for reelection.

In diplomatic matters, President PigInZen receives significantly lower approval (77😵 than President Frost's final rating on the 1st. Among Less Active players this is a continuation of a slide in approval that began about a month ago, but among More Active players, this is a sharp reversal of an upward trend dropping from 93% approval to 73% in only 20 days! No doubt, the mistakes made in Sindh and the subsequent diplomatic firestorm are affecting President PigInZen's approval here.

The sharpest decrease over the last few weeks has been in Presidential approval in military matters. According to these results, only 69% approve of President PigInZen where military matters are concerned. This comes as no surprise given that even before the debacle in Sindh there were tensions between the military and the other branches of the government including the executive. Given that a portion of the participants in the Synergy Poll were members of the military, these tensions may be reflecting in this rating. The argument could be made that this relatively low rating is the most disturbing revelation in this release. With v2 on the horizon and what will likely need to be a massive overhaul of the military, one can only hope that the confidence of the citizenry in the President's ability to manage the military will increase.

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"The Numbers"

A note about "The Numbers" section: Several have mentioned in the comment box that you would like to see these ratings as a 1-5 rating with 3 being neutral. While there is a methodological reason for NOT including a 'neutral' option, the real reason is that Google Forms only allows us 5 columns on this question type, and one of those columns must be made available to indicate that the respondent is not familiar with the entity. That leaves us with 4 to work with. On the bright side, it makes it somewhat easier to gauge the final score - simply think of it as a GPA!

Participants were asked to rate the performance of each entity from 1 to 4

This Synergy Poll was the debut poll for five of the individuals and a return to the poll for two others. Perhaps as a result of this influx of new blood, the usual 'leader pack' of two or three especially popular individuals is non-existent. President PigInZen leads the pack, but only by 0.04. In fact, the entire field is divided by only 0.41. Even those who have traditionally scored very well have taken significant hits. NXNW, who usually scores quite highly, and Rheinlander von Phalz, whose score had slowly but steadily been improving, both have personal lows in this poll. On a brighter note, Secretary of the Media, Mr. Hyphenated, scores very highly in his debut especially among More Active citizens.

At first glance, the organization scores appear fairly good. As usual, the eUS Military leads the way and the Congress brings up the rear. However, the truth is in the tracking this month. Every single organization had its worst score to date with the exception of the Pony Express which had it's best. Again, the scores themselves are not terrible, but the fact that each one of them is a new low for that organization speaks to the mood of the citizenry right now. Not even the eUS Military is exempt from this funk. On the bright side, More Active players consistently rate these organizations higher than Less Active players indicating that the more players interact with these organizations, the happier they are with their performance. (The exception, of course, is Congress. The more people learn about Congress, the less they approve of sausage.)

For our tracking this time, we have on the one hand NXNW who's falling rating are in line with the general trend for both individuals and organizations in this poll. NXNW came to the position of CJCS on the heals of the very popular Gaius Julius but soon built his own popularity on top of that. However, for the last two polls those numbers have been slipping. The failed eUK invasion and the trouble in Sindh are probably factors in this slide, though NXNW's score is also a reflection of a much larger trend.

Focusing on the positive, the Pony Express has cause to celebrate. Reorganized and given a higher priority, it seems to have pulled out of the doldrums and has achieved it's highest performance rating so far. For those that don't know, the Pony Express is a government organization which points citizens toward a small list of article which need to be voted up in order to get them into the Top 5 articles which are listed on the homepage of each player in the country. You may have noticed that our media has been swamped lately by Phoenix (and EDEN) troll articles. The Pony Express has been fighting a different kind of warfare to retake our Top 5 spots. If you are willing to help, check it out here.

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Current Events

We only asked two either/or Current Events questions this time. In the first, we asked citizens to choose the more important of Domestic Issues and Foreign Affairs. Once again, citizens believe that domestic issues take precedence. More interestingly, we also asked citizens to choose whether "repairing hurt relations in EDEN" or "pursuing the war in Asia" were more important. 63% indicated that our priority should be to repair relations within EDEN rather than pursuing our own agenda in Asia. These results were pretty uniform among both Less Active and More Active citizens - a rarity indeed.

Delving further into the EDEN situation, we asked citizens to indicate their feelings on the eUSA's future in EDEN. As you can see, the results are fairly well spread out. 39% indicated that while they felt efforts should be made to patch things up with EDEN, they would not be overly concerned if we left the alliance. 19% support EDEN fully and indicated that we should "do whatever is necessary to stay in" the alliance. Around 13% indicated either that they have always been against the eUS presence in EDEN or that they used to support such but have since changed their minds and want the eUS out of the fragile superalliance.

Perhaps the more startling response came from the 17% who indicated that they had no idea what EDEN is. How could this possibly be?! This is the equivalent of beating Super Mario Bros. and then not knowing who the Princess is. What?!

Moving on to the healthcare, not that one. The eRep health care debate! When eRepublik announced that Hospital use would be changed to only heal damage done from fighting, there was the usually uproar in the press and forums. We wanted to find out if this uproar was really representative of the players' opinions. In short, 43% are decidedly against the changes, 20% are reserving judgment, 12% weren't even aware that the changes had been made, and 15% felt that these changes improved the game.

We also gave citizens the opportunity to express their opinions on the upcoming v2 modules. We asked about the Economy and War Module separately, but the results are very similar. About half of all respondents indicated that they would have a "wait and see" attitude, while of the remaining 50%, around 20% had never heard of v2 (/facepalm), around 20% were optimistic that the new modules would improve the game and 5% or so said they felt the game would be made worse by these changes (another few percent is split between "I don't care" and "I'll quit when v2 is released&quot😉.

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Other Data

We continued to experiment by asking for additional information about the individuals that were responding. This time, we asked what the real life age of the player was (in a range). The results are not particularly surprising, but it does verify what we suspected - most eRep players (in the eUS) are either in high school or their first couple years of college. Don't count the older folks out, though, as 31% of respondents indicated they were 26 or older.

The second chart shows the number of respondents for Synergy Polls. As you can see, we had a disappointing return for the last several polls. However, we are encouraged by the fact that a very large majority of respondents indicated that this is the first time they have taken the poll, which we take to mean that we still have a long way to go in order to get our name out there. We have conducted 6 polls now, and we hope that as people see us as a legitimate organization, they will trust us enough to accept our invitations.

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Notes for Nerds

- The margin of error for this poll is +/- 6% (6.31😵 based on a 95% confidence level. The total population used to calculate this number was based on the census information provided by the Government Statistics Office.

- Our response percentage DECREASED again to 13.06% from 15.44% in our previous poll.

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Notes for Noobs

Once again, a number of you mentioned in the comment box that you would like to see links to the various individuals and organizations mentioned in the Synergy Poll. WE DID THAT! Since our last poll on the 20th we discovered that we could include HTML in the introduction portion of the form (but not the question portion). We included a large list of links to help anyone who was not familiar with the entities and initiatives talked about in the poll. We provide you with that list here as well:

President PigInZen
Vice President Andy Costello
Secretary of State Bradley Reala
Secretary of the Treasury DrTango
Secretary of Defense Angelini
Secretary of the Media Mr. Hyphenated
Secretary of the Interior maxx johnson
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff NXNW
Speaker of the House Rheinlander von Phalz
The eUS Congress
The State Department
The Welcome Committee
The Pony Express
The Training Corps
The eUS Military
The North American University

Links specific to this polling cycle:

EDEN tensions
eRepublik changes to hospital system
eRepublik changes to economic module
eRepublik changes to military module

For the individuals, don't forget to give their papers a look!

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Final Notes - Buy the Synergy Poll Data Package!

- The Synergy Poll Data Package is a PDF file which contains the full results from the survey including over 75 charts. Purchasers of the Data Package are free to use the data and charts in their own newspapers so long as proper credit is given to Synergy Research Group (include a link please!). To obtain a copy of the most recent Data Package: PM Synergy Research Group with a) the release date(s) for the Data Packages you wish to obtain, and b) a valid email address, then donate 5 USD to SRG's account and we'll get back to you within 24hrs (usually much less).

-In addition to the current Data Package, we are offering the previous Data Packages for FREE! PM us your email address and we'll send it as quickly as possible.

- We are also pleased to announce that you can now obtain a LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION to the Synergy Poll Data Package for only 5 GOLD! Don't miss this great opportunity!

- If you would like to help the Synergy Research Group, feel free to make a donation of any amount to the organization (just PM us to let us know!). Alternatively, you can help out by sponsoring a prize for April. You can sponsor the prize on behalf of yourself, your party, your organization, your branch, etc. etc. Simply donate the gold/good then PM us telling us who you are sponsoring on behalf of. What is the benefit to you? Well, your sponsorship is mentioned in the Synergy Poll invitations which are sent to 1800 for each poll. That is 3600 PMs that have your name on it! Talk about increasing your name recognition!

- Look for the next Synergy Poll to be released sometime around the 1st of April....just before the next Presidential Election.

Until next time,
Synergy Research Group

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