Syd Van Winkle

Day 1,216, 17:49 Published in USA USA by sydiot

Since returning to eRepublik I have discovered that:

1) My diamond company in Nunavut is now an Iron company.

2) My Iron company in Karnataka is now in Pakistan.

3) The massive banking and securities market I helped build has collapsed, along with the Treasury institutions that funneled the benefits of investment into winning battles. WTF happened there?

4) That scandal may or may not have ruined the political career of my former business partner.

5) A bunch of the same dicks I used to work with were all President.

6) One major dick is CJCS.

7) The admins probably killed off higher financial game play by limiting daily Gold transfers, (true?) making this much less interesting to me.

8 ) Max MacFarland is gone? (where are you Max?)

9) HR isn't gone? (Hit me up.)

10) This game still exists, which blows my mind.

I'm still getting re-acquainted. Let's see if I learn fast enough to run for Congress in four days. Should I do it?

