Swiss Presidential Debate

Day 1,685, 15:16 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Once again, we meet for the famous Swiss debates. Two candidates, festool and vukio, answered questions from all around in order to prove that they were the best choice for the country.

Personal Comments: Dear readers, these logs are quite long, since they contain many hours worth of information. Please keep in mind when reading that some text has been removed from the logs. I only removed text that detracted from the debate or was non-important; no candidate responses to questions have been removed. If either of the candidates believes there is a mistake in the logs, merely contact me and I will fix it.

And now... let the debates begin!

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to SWISS DEBATE NIGHT!!!

Hey all. Welcome to the Swiss presidential debate. Our two candidates today are vukio and festool.
How this debate will work: I have a list of questions posed by the Swiss citizens.
I will ask each candidate the question in turn. Oh, and after the debate, I will publish the logs in my newspaper for all to see. So, let's start!

Our first question...
From F4uc0n. For you what is the job of a president?
He says: I don't want to know their qualifications (being active, being popular, being...) or what they will do but what the job is (or should be).

who is first?

Festool, you may answer first.

For me, to be president is responsible position and to its president should have experience in the game. Being held other political positions and to be proven as such to the public.


Short and clear

Vukio can now answer.

For me CP position is mostly organizational and observable matter. Organizational, many of you deserve to be CP, many of you are such a hard workers and are so important for eSwizterland, but there is only one CP so...
CP must be person who choose he's people wisely, organize them and trust the that they'll do their job in the best manner they can.
And also observable, CP must observe his cabinet but do not understand this as CP's mistrust but as a help to the cabinet if they need it.
CP has to be person who will unite all the people, who every the are, even if they are my CP opponent and his team since..
...everybody are important! Especially in a country of our size. That one reason is why I gave critic for debate announcement.
That's it...

As I've said many times I wanted to become president because I want to do something better for the country which includes recruitment of regions of our neighbors. Also, at least I get one medal. Many will be proud and if I become president because I can attach my good ideas that I have.
this is my answer

Here's the next question, from bowen.
What will Switzerland's military strategy involve during your term if elected?
Vukio, you may answer first.

Military strategy will be to liberate as much as we can. We must face the fact that we are CURRENTLY less strong (I can't say weaker because we are not weak! but less strong) than eCroatia so we can't carry on with this guerrilla attacks since...
...we are loosing CHF's so it
will be harder to have RW's in future also...
...CoT is just formed, it'll take some time to sync all its members. Basically my military strategy will be diplomacy. But that's other question.

festool, you may answer now.

My military strategy starts to pick this team work. I will work with one minister and three deputies who will discuss his actions. Now essentially, I negotiate with the Croats to release our regions. If you can all at least a minimum dva.Ako Croats not saglsyat brim of peace will be obliged to ask help from our allies ONE and CoT and employment injury to the release.
*least a minimum two regions
*IF croats*

+++ Penguin4512 has given voice to Gucio|AFK
Gucio will ask the next question

you do realise
that Croatia wont want to release the regions for 2 reasons
1) the fact that we backstabbed the france
2) while they think we're under pto
they wont want to give the regions back
if they will it will only be 1-2 regions

I will speak with them
I will explain
that don't this something as PTO Switzerland

From their point PTO from Bulgarians/Serbs?
Penguin, do you want me to reply on Gucio's subject too?

Yes, you may.

Yes, you have a point, we can't change their angle, so I must disagree with my opponent because I agree with you, Gucio, that no words will help but... idea is of diplomatically approach,
"you scratch my back, I scratch yours" since..
..we must give the something in return than plain word.
So, thats it, details about this idea is another question. Do you want to have it?


Basically I propose to say to them that we will stop with RW's for some time and than to ask something.
Also we must use our alliance and our friends from another country to help us in negotiation.
Since we can't have the negotiations just by our self.

Now, our current president has a question for Vukio.
+++ Penguin4512 has given voice to Patar333

now I noticed u mentioned trying to talk to our alliances. can u elaborate a bit more on that how will u help as, at the moment, in my government they are only focusing on Bulgaria and Chile
can u tell me what are your intentioned to have this stopped
and possibly have CoT and allies help us more

Ok, so...
No way we will do anything without going over CoT! If CoT decides that we must be a kind of sacrificed to help them than thats what we do! We RW and stay occupied and we are waiting for our time. Also...
...we can ask the for diplomacy influence, since alliance has the "higher ground" than single country.
We must stay united, it's not all about us as here it's not about Festool and me but eSwitzerland.

So instead of pushing CoT to help us, you sit and wait for them to come to us? sorry to say that, but thats not how CoT works. Macedonia will be joining us soon and we will be pushed back again.

No, no, we do not push, we ask and ask, and be boring asking...
But respectfully asking if you get what I mean.
Not threat that we will leave alliance of something, a hell no...

but it has been 2 months now and we are still at the bottom, asking them everyday to help us. Nothing has happened yet.
what if it continues like this, will we leave CoT?

Diplomacy, thats what we need, a lot and lot of diplomacy on all sides, as with our occupiers and as with our alliance.
It can't continue, they know it as we know it.


Okay, next question.
From GoranJ.
+++ Penguin4512 has given voice to GORANJ

so question for both candidates.....are you gonna restore the glory of Swiss Kingdom and recongise me as King of Switzerland ...also if you need any help about neogations with Croatia let me now I can help.

Yes I will try to regain Swiss glory became president, and if I need help in negotiations I will need help from you

you won't recognise me as King even tough I have de jure claim on it?
Just trolling xD

Now I can respond?
No, there will be no any cult of personality, religious things, etc... as it was during MG's rule and the guild. All eSwiss are equal, no CP or who ever should be above.
Not even in a joke...
Ok, that's it..

Okay, moving on.
Question, from LotusBlack.

Another question for both candidates: If people would want to leave CoT anyway - what would you do? Would you join another alliance (if yes, which one) or stay neutral? And why?

Vukio can go first.

Personally I am pro-ONE, but who am I to go over people if they decide otherwise? People will always be presented with facts what is going on and be respected to decide what is best for them.
We must stay close to some alliance, which ever it is, currently ONE can help us more as we saw during the war with eCroatia, so from me, I'll try to use my origin to bring us close to ONE but you guys are tho one who decides as we once did in past with referendum, you are the one who can even make us going in other direction...
That's it...
If you want more details ask more..

Can I say or you continue?
If I am elected president, and people resent the CoT I'll do a referendum between the people and if 66% of people want to leave the alliance I will do it if everything is going to stay in the alliance. IF you leave the alliance will hold a new debate in which we ask people in the Union which wants to be a state. And all this will do it only if the population wants it.
that is from me for this question

One question now from Rican.
+++ Penguin4512 has given voice to rican

there is a lot of controversy about this election. and about each candidate individually.
what can the candidates say about the controversy surrounding them?

Festool, you may answer first.

I mean I was wrongly accused of all the things that counsel against me - I did not make multi accounting, don't I have organizations, it is true that I brought plenty of Bulgarians, but that's because they want to gain another medal deputies.
This is it.

Vukio, you may answer now.

For me, important thing is that no eSwiss (except my opponent but I forgive him, it's political struggle) accused me for PTO attempt, but eSwiss has concerns which is perfectly natural.
As I presented it in a comments of my article, you guys are smart, look at my profile, do the math, you will see that I lost more for being in eSwitzerland all this years than what I can gain by becoming CP.
A little more, sorry...
When it comes to some specifics, for example orgs, if you guys decide that I am your choice orgs will not be in my hands since no person should have that power.
And a little more...
Main point is that your concerns about PTO are normal because you are trusting your self to singe person who should not have a power to decide for you.
So that's basically it...
But yes, this game is base like that so you must chose that person...

Okay, thank you.
Now, each candidate can ask the other candidate a question.
Vukio, you can go first.
Do you have any questions for festool?

Yes, only one regarding something I saw in a debate...
You sai😛 "If I am elected president, and people resent the CoT I'll do a referendum between the people and if 66% of people want to leave the alliance I will do it if everything is going to stay in the alliance."
You mean you will try to change their opinion?
But still respect their final decision?

if 66% of people want to leave will leave alliance

Now festool
Do you have a question for Vukio?

How many Serbians do you put in your cabinet if you win?

Only one who deserves if there are any who deserve.

Now, for last words and closing statements...

I have a question.

Okay, EcoFreak, ask quickly, then last words.

As President how important do you feel it is to help and assist the new player in the community like getting them involved in the cabinet, congress or even by assisting with stuff like the RCA (Red Cross Academy). Where will that be on your priority list?
and what are your non-military plans?

Vukio can answer first.

Yes they'll definitely be on OUR priority list, we need more people, we need new blood, some who will take all this from the hands of us elders.
They also need to be involved in the governemnt at least as support, to stay with us and learn, to have some positions in which they will be in fire and see for them self how it goes.
To learn as we all learn...
And when it comes to non-military plans...
Education should be in the top of that list, since thats the way we will keep newcomers which eventually will be important part on military plans, when they grow up, you knwo what I mean.
And we can do some spam on different RL Swiss forums to bring more people.
So thats it...

Okay, now festool.

In my priority RCA will stay in high position
In my non-military
well I will bet ON ministry of foreign affairs
this is my favourite position
AND resign MPPs

Now for the last part of the debate.
Each candidate can have a last word.
In your last word, explain why you are the better choice for president.
Vukio, you may go first.

Ok, typing....
The only reason that comes to my mind is that I think I am a little RL older and that brings some wiser notes but I cannot say that I am better than any of you, it would be just selfish.

Thank you.
And now, festool.

lI want to tell people not to believe the stories but to believe the cases which I have and they are only good for Switzerland.
AND I want wish good luck on Vukio.

Thanks man, all the best!

Thank you guys so much for your time.


I have something to add!

Have a good night, all.
The logs of the debate will soon be published in my newspaper.
I wish the best of luck to both candidates. Now it is up to the Swiss citizens to decide!