Swedish situation part 3

Day 1,409, 12:15 Published in Norway USA by Christopher Moe
Hello dear people of Norway

As the end of my presidency nears it’s end, i look back upon the state Norway was in, and a smile befalls upon my face.
We sure have made allot of progress in this month, and just to top it off i’m presenting to you all

“The peace treaty with Sweden”

Swedish - Norwegian Agreement
This thread includes the details about the Swedish and Norwegian Agreement about how to end the war and create a stable era as well as a friendly relationship between Sweden and Norway.

Sweden and Norway will immediately end the ongoing war by proposing that both countries put another nation or removes each other as Natural Enemy through congressional votes. After this, neither of the nations are allowed to put each other as Natural Enemies unless it is a part of a larger plan that both countries have accepted.

Sweden maintains the following regions Trondelag and Nord - Norge. Norway will be able to regain Sorlandet, Østlandet, Vestlandet as well as Svalbard & Jan Mayen. Norway can however choose to waive the rights to one or several of these regions and these will then continue to be the property of Sweden until Norway wants the region(s) back.

Accepted by
Christopher Moe, President of Norway
konkelbaer, President of Sweden

As you can read, the war is finally over. We now have the possibility to stabilise our country, and the time for growth have finally settled in. What we do now is crucial for the continued growth of our nation. We need to keep this activity going, and supports our allies more then ever.
So if you think that this treaty means that we all can log of and take a vacation, you are dead wrong.
The Swedish situation was just a warm up for all the challenges we need to face in the future, but if we handle them as well as we did here, we got nothing to fear.

So let’s all celebrate, but let’s not drink to much guys, as we all know.... There is a tomorrow 😁

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