Sweden says no to a deal with Norway – the annexation continues

Day 1,450, 02:20 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Norway has been trying to make a deal with Sweden, giving away 3 provinces in return for peace and 1 of Sweden's core provinces. Sweden's president say no and continues its military campaign against its western foe. Total victory is Sweden's goal.

Norway wants Älgkött and peace
I spoke with the newly elected president of Norway, Tommy Skaue. Tommy says that despite weeks of threats and war with Sweden, he is willing to make a deal with his foe to bring peace to the region.

Tommy says that he is willing to trade three of the Norwegian provinces to Sweden in return for peace - and the Swedish province Jamtland that holds Älgkött. A resource that Norway needs.

In return, Sweden will get Trondelag (Oil), Nord-norge (Fish) and Svalbard (Fish). Tommy says its a win-win deal. Sweden gets Oil och Fish while Norway gets peace and Swedish Älgkött.

"They are welcome to come and take Jamtland"
I asked the Swedish president Jim Parsons for a comment. Jim was pretty straight forward regarding Norway's interest in growing its food industry by taking land from Sweden: "They are welcome to come and take Jamtland" - with a twist - "but they will have to, just as Sweden, fight to grow. I wont give up Jamtland voluntarily" said the Swedish president.

Jim Parsons says that Norway (with its evil allies (ed. remark)) is a formidable foe. Its been tough for Sweden in Trondelag, the main short goal for Sweden. Trondelag has oil, a must have recourse for Sweden's industry. And it will be just as tough for Norway if they decide to attack Sweden's core province to gain Älgkött, says Jim.

Sweden believes in its country goals, Norway does not?
In short there will be no deal with Norway. Sweden seems to be confident to living up its set goals for this months presidency: annexing the whole country in the west. Norway on the other hand shows desperation by selling out half its country to bring peace, even though their country goal for this month is set to hold all their provinces.

On paper, this means that Sweden has won a huge mental victory over Norway just days into the new Norwegian and Swedish presidency. It means that Norway recognizes the strength of Sweden's political and military skill and its allies and does not see much of a future when waring with its eastern foe. Its ready to chop of its arms to save its head. Jim Parson with his cabinet and its huge and strong army must be smiling.

~Toothpaste, Sweden

More reading: Tommy Skaue - Our War with Sweden Explained

Do you have an opinion? What do you think? Should Sweden accept the deal from Norway or should Sweden take what it wants with force? Comment!