Sweden attacks Nordjylland, Get ready for the Congressional Elections!

Day 697, 18:13 Published in USA Australia by Aeros


The Swedish military has moved against the British forces in Nordjylland Denmark. So far, neither side has made any over move to tank the battle. Other then that, today’s edition will be a primer for the coming Congressional election cycle.


In the last issue, I questioned the need for Sweden to retake Denmark from the United Kingdom. The only truly justifiable reason that came to mind was that the UK had managed to win something, and since we all really despise the UK we should do what we can to strip them of it. Apparently, Sweden agreed with the latter rather then the former. For now, PEACE and EDEN have made no major tanking maneuvers. The UK does not hold the same clout Hungary does, so its an open question how much foreign assistance the British will receive. To be purely Machiavellian, PEACE (which by default means Hungary) may want the United Kingdom to lose, because then Hungary can attack from South Denmark and try to take the whole peninsula over, and gain a border with Sweden’s home territory, as well as secure its primary route to North America via the Nordjylland/Scotland Atlantic transit. Perhaps this might in fact be true, because The United Kingdom has started a resistance war in Midtjylland and the only reason I can think of for them doing this is because they know they are going to lose.


Tis the season once more. Are you ready for plenty of Candidacy announcements and citizen ads? I know I am! This supplemental edition shall serve as a primer for anyone who is considering a Congressional run.

First off, only the top 5 Political parties can front a Congressional Candidate. Those parties are my own United States Workers Party, The American Advancement Party, the Libertarian Party, United Independents Party and the Conservative Party. If by some chance you have a loyalty to some other “6th party” fear not! Each major party keeps slots open for unaffiliated candidates that they believe can win an election.

So now, what are the requirements for running? On the surface, none. Anyone can apply for office, but to appear on the lists you need the endorsement of your party. A common mistake is to just go to the State you wish to run in and attempt to run for office. This will NOT get you an endorsement. All the top 5 political parties have activity requirements.

1. You must be registered on the eUSA Forums


2. Next, you must be registered on the Forums of your respective party

United States Workers Party http://uswp.eusforum.com/index.php

American Advancement Party http://americasadvancementparty.webs.com

United Independents Party http://myucp.com/forums/

Libertarian Party http://libparty.50.forumer.com/index.php

Conservative Party http://www.cvpamerica.com/

Each one of the parties have there own specific requirements. Make sure you check the relevant forum threads containing rules and eligibility requirements. If you are curious as to the particular ideological bent of each party, check the eRepublik wiki. But I cannot stress it enough, if you do not have the endorsement of one of these five, you will not get elected. There are some things you can do to help increase your chances of endorsement. Be active on the eUSA forum, your parties forum, and your parties IRC chat room. And most of all, have a well written out application. The PAC leaders in each party probably know little about you, and you must sell yourself to them. Remember, these parties often invest some gold and a lot of man hours to help people win elections. You have to prove yourself to be worth that investment in time and money.

Also, a common killer of brand new Congressmen is the discovery of Congressional rules and procedures. You can’t just show up and make proposals. If structured procedural rules are not your cup of tea, I urge you not to run and waste everyone’s time. Speaking of wasting time, you will also have to show up for debates, and trust me, I have seen some, many are not very interesting. But with power comes responsibility, so you will have to set aside time for what could at times feel like work (unless you like it anyhow).

And finally, there is no age requirement. The Presidency may be unofficially reserved for people who have played the game for a year or more, but Congress most certainly is not. In fact, newer players are encouraged to try and run and participate in the eUnited States congress. Good luck to all who try!