Susku en Wiske and the flawed treaty

Day 1,884, 08:21 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by atsan

As you might be aware of, our president gave out an article describing the events around the Netherlands – Poland affair. If you read her article carefully she will state that our Dutch congress already agreed upon a treaty with Poland in the first place. This treaty was ratified by our congress, the only thing our president would have needed to do is sign it.

Luckily she didn’t.

You can find the treaty here:
Or if that link is down

In short:
- We get Northern Netherlands
- They keep the rest
- We will pay 25k each 3 months to Poland
- You aren’t allowed to fight against Poland anymore

These deals have been made before, some of you might even have learned of them in school, its one term; English: serfdom, Dutch: horigheid.

Now you would expect that the debate that followed was filled with disgrace and disgust. Nothing like that happened; our happy bunch of congressman and govermentalians actually discussed the opportunities this would bring. The only guy who disagreed right from the start was amazingly Aries Prime. (Aries, I might have disagreed with you on several occasions, but I can only be thankful for sticking your neck out like that, kudo’s!)

Unfortunately congress was lured in by an English multi, who agreed to pay 23.000 cc from his “own” pocket to seal the deal. The only thing congress could see is dollar signs in congress-medal-gold and the chance to be important again in erep-congress.

The congress went to vote, and a stunning majority agreed upon.

Votes in favour of selling our soul to the devil:
- Elgorro (ex-congressman, living abroad)
- Kimberly McCullouch (president/Democratisch Nederland)
- Odan (Iron & Wine)
- Djirtsdew (Democratisch Nederland)
- Arjans Town (Geuzen Partij Nederland)
- RikW (Vrij en Veilig Nederland)
- 2DG (ex-congressman, living abroad)
- Kixtart (Iron & Wine)
- Sandax (Iron & Wine)
- Bloggup (Democratisch Nederland)
- Joshua Morrisseau (Geuzen Partij Nederland)
- Mc Claren (Geuzen Partij Nederland)

Votes against paying bloodmoney for our own region.
- Zeeuwsmeijsje (Geuzen Partij Nederland)
- Weekstrom (Vrij en Veilig Nederland)

Alas the money promised by the English multi was only partially transferred, leaving the Netherlands having to cough the rest up himself. Various wealthy (former) Dutch citizens agreed to chip in to still be able to make the deal happen.
Our president returned with the deal to the polish but they didn’t want the deal anymore, which says allot about how the polish treat people in general. The rest you can read in the Presidents article.

Where are we going now?
Poland has a new deal which our president is currently proposing to our congress. Basically we now have to pay 10.000 cc each month for the rent of 1 region, which is of course still batshitcrazy. Luckily the English-multi already paid 10.000 before he got banned so were having one month for free.

It is my dearest wish that after this free month this treaty won’t be continued, I’m not willing to pay 10.000 cc for something that’s rightfully mine.

If new Congress elections begin (That’s a big if seeing that the ball will always be in polish hands, and our goverment wants to be in the guinnes book of records for fastest land wiped again through setting a NE on UK) I expect every party to make clear how they stand in this case. But ill guess I have to run for congress myself because my trust in this Congress and the participating political party’s has been greatly damaged.

Basically congress already showed its color. No, its not Eden-green, it isnt asgard-grey either. Its Miss Piggy-Pink. Even as we speak they're plotting ways to leave Eden and go Pink as you can see here: which is already in vote by our rogue congress.