Supreme Court Justice Wombatman25- Moving our Justice System Forward

Day 1,622, 10:49 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good day eCanada,

Early this morning, the honourable Speaker of the House posted this message on the eCanadian forums.

"Wombatman25 is accepted as a Justice of the Court"

A Strong Mandate

With the voting period over, I am happy to announce that ~80% of the eCanadian Congress has approved me as a Supreme Court Justice.

I will strive to prove that Congress made the right decision as I fulfill my duties with the utmost integrity and honesty.


This article is the first of many updates on the Supreme Court of eCanada. I have taken it upon myself to be the liaison between the Supreme Court and the eCanadian population.

Stay tuned for regular updates.

Meet the Rest of the Court

There are currently four Justices in the Supreme Court of eCanada.

Nogin the Nog


