Supporting Resistance Wars

Day 1,682, 21:59 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Lime Parkour Flow
Resistance Hero: Citizen has been part of a resistance which successfully liberated a region.

Hello guys! Today I just want to tell you a little something about Resistance War Supporting. When a Resistance War is proposed, on your home page a bar with people and a *Support* button will appear. If you click *Support* you will be one of the people giving 1,000 of your money to help the Resistance. When enough money and supporters are there then the war will start! I suggest knowing who will fight along side with you, like some one really powerful with allot of won Resistance Medals. I have been wasting money with supporting Auckland's resistances and helped fight. Yet still every time we lose, and I gain nothing. So if your thinking of supporting a Resistance then pack up with lots of food and weapons, and of course good powerful friends. If you win you receive a reward and a Resistance Medal that will tell people; you have organized a resistance and won!

Thank you for your attention, yours truly Agent LimeTEKO
An article from a dedicated PnPP and KMG member!