Supporting Democracy

Day 1,393, 14:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sven Goran Duran-Duran

Prospective Proposer - Sven Goran Duran-Duran MP
Sponsored [to date] - (1) Valorum, (2) Duke Winter, (3) Bron Avery

I'm looking for sponsors for this amendment please:

I agree with all the changes in the current bill being put through Congress and have included them.

But as per some of my other posts, e.g. I firmly believe that the Executive should not have the power to remove Congressmen without a vote.

Let me be clear on this. You wouldn't need a vote for a warning. Just a ban or a removal.

And if this bill is being looked at now, then why not look at the fundemental democratic gap in the original legislation too?

The Executive should not have that kind of power over Congress imho.

I seem to have successfully managed to get the current MoLA on board \o/ and am now looking for more sponsors.