Support for Canada's citizens; Maedoc

Day 1,343, 17:48 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins
"It is said that a soldier gains honour by proving himself worthy on the battlefield or reaching a certain rank or having a certain worth. That is wrong. Honour is something you can only give yourself. Honour is given to you, by yourself, by the righteousness of your actions. It's merit, it's worth can be seen by all if you have deserved it, you can carry it high and mighty and present it, for you know you have deserved it. You must work for honour, you must fight for honour, you must prevail for honour, but it will not be handed to you. Those who deserve it, shall receive it. "

Hello eCanada this is Maedoc speaking to you through Aeriala's newspaper.
Many of you may have noticed over the last weeks i have been giving food and weapons away on irc. So i have asked my good friend Aeriala to post this article for me so i can reach a wider audience.

If you are hungry, comment below i will feed your belly for the day.
If you are thirsty, i will fill your mug with the finest ale.
If you are weaponless, i will do my best to find you a weapon worthy to wield.

This is open to all eCanadians however this is intended to help lower level players so if you are already self sufficient i ask that we keep the support for those who need it the most.

“ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ”