
Day 1,231, 12:01 Published in New Zealand Serbia by Bambo Amadeus

There was a shipwreck. Only three men survive😛 an Englishman, a German and a Serb and they landed on a desolate island.

Englishman said that there should split and each of them should do different thing.
He sai😛 - I'll stay on the beach and I'll look if any ship is passing by the island.
He pointed a finger to the German and sai😛 - You will start us some fire.
Finally, he said to the Serb: - You go into the jungle and find us some supplies.

German started a fire, Englishman stayed on the beach looking to the horizon for any passing ships, but the Serbian was missing.

Where could he be? - the German asked Englishman.

Days passed on and there was no sign of Serb. Finally, they decided to go into the jungle and look for him.

They were walking for some time when they heard that something was moving in the nearby bush. Before they could react something jumped out of the bush.
It was a Serb who sai😛 Supplies!

The point of his joke is to say to you that English language is not our main language, so don't take us for bad when we try to speak in it. I guess I've made like a thousand mistakes in this article... xD