
Day 3,730, 08:38 Published in Croatia Croatia by Duh sa Sjekirom

BALKANSKA VERZIJA 🙂 English version below 😉
Ovih dana kad traje velika kontraofanziva protiv "Pacifice" i uz bitke koje dobivamo poprilicno lagano, barem lakše nego što sam mislio poceo sam malo više razmišljati o supersilama u igri.
Konkretnije što cini zemlju supersilom??
Ako pocnemo od supersila u eSvijetu to su zemlje koje prave najveci dmg i imaju najviše igraca, ako bih išao po teritoriju koji drže to se previše mijenja na gotovo dnevnoj bazi da bi bio relevantan cimbenik.
Znaci uobicajni "sumnjivci" su Srbija, Rumunjska, Madarska, Turska, Grcka, Poljska...
Ne naravno tim redoslijedom ali ni ne biram najjacu zemlju trenutno.
Dakle što cini zemlju supersilom?? Što je zajednicko svim ovim zemljama?

Prvo što mi pada na pamet je baza jakih igraca. Tu ulaze buyeri i aktivni igraci koji su dovoljno dugo ovdje da bi stekli snagu i vojni cin. Naravno svaka zemlja ih ima, ali neke zemlje ih imaju više od drugih.
Drugo je rivalstvo. Svaka od ovih jakih zemalja ima ili je imala rivala u igri, najcešce zbog RL neslaganja medu zemljama u koje necu ulaziti. Mi imamo Srbiju i obrnuto, Rumunjska ima Madarsku, Grcka je imala Tursku i sl.
Zbog tog rivalstva te zemlje su bile manje više konstantno u ratovima, oslobodilackim ili napadackim i to rivalstvo je ono što osigurava bazu igraca aktivnima. Naravno u ratovima se dižu i rank bodovi.

Dižu se i u trening ratovima ali nije isto izlupati FF u nekoj nebitnoj bitci ili se pošteno istrošiti u napadu kao što je bio sinocnji napad Hrvatske na Kentucky, USA.
I tim porazom USA-e i saveznika se pokazalo još jednom da SAD nije supersila upravo zbog ovih gornjih razloga. SAD nema i nije ni imala znacajnog rivala ni poštenih ratova od V1 i Atlantisa.
Po mom mišljenju sve regije imaju samo zato jer imaju mnoge resurse kojima placaju top tier MPP-ove.

S velikim deckima USA se nemože igrati. Kako su oni mislili da uopće mogu parirati bilo kojoj državi koja je od početka igre u stalnom ratu neću ni nagađati. Podcjenjivati bilo koju zemlju s Bakana ili okolice je možda nerazumno u RL ali u igri poput ove je notorna glupost. Svi narodi balkana dijele vruću krv, inat i osjećaj za čast i to je među ostalim jedan od razloga što danas u Beču nije Turski jezik službeni.

To me dovodi do rata koji vodimo danas. Mi ga nismo ni htjeli ni započeli ali ćemo učiniti sve da ga završimo nama u korist. Hrvatska nikad nije bila najjača zemlja erepa ali smo uspjeli obrisati i Srbiju i Poljsku. Amerika je i to trebala uzeti u obzirkad su nas napali. Balkanski mentalitet je zajebana stvar, zbog njega smo jaki i slabi u isto vrijeme. Zbog toga se nećemo nikad složiti ni ujediniti jer da se to desi eSvijet bi gorio.

Možda se slažete samnom, možda ne, ostavite komentar. Razmišljam i o promjeni bannera, isprobavao sam neke verzije ali nemogu naći isti font koji sam koristio u ovom banneru, nema istog u windows 10. Ako itko zna kako se zove napišite u komentarubit ću vam vrlo zahvalan. Hvala.

These days of the large counter offensive against Pacifica alliance and with battles being won easy, at least easier that I thouht I started thinking about superpowers in this game.
Or rather what makes some random eCountry a superpower??

Superpowers in eRepublik are countries that make the most damage and have the most players. Number of regions varies too much on almost daily basis to be relevant factor.
The "usual suspects" are Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Greece, Poland...
Not neccesarily in that order but this is not the article about the strongest eCountry. What makes a country a superpower?? What all the above countries have in common?

Firstly the large pool of strong players. Buyers and active players in game playing long enough to have high strenght and military rank. All the counties have those, some countries more then others.
Secondly there's rivalry. Each one of these strong countries has or had a rival country in game, most often because of some random RL reasons. eCroatia has eSerbia, eRomania has eHungary, eGreece had eTurkey and now has eMacedonia(FYROM) and etc.

Because of rivalries those countries have been and are constantly at war, freeing or conquering regions and that rivalry keeps players active. Fighting gives you high rank points.
You can have training wars but it's not the same spending FF in some training war battle or spend large amount of EB as some of us did in the attack on Kentucky, USA.

With that defeat USA and allies has once again showed that USA is not a superpower for all the reasons listed above.The USA has not and never had a rival or wars of large scale since eRepublik v1 and the Atlantis alliance.
In my personal opinion the only reason they have all their regions are resources that fund top tier MPP-s.

USA can not play with the "big boys". Why exactly did the USA CP think they can parry any country that has been constantly at war since the start of this game I don't know. Underestimating countries from and near the Balkan peninsula may only be unwise in RL but is plain stupid in game like this. Hot blood, spite and strong sense of honor are common trait on Balkans and the reason folks don't speak Turkish in Wienna today.

That brings me to the war we have today. To my knowledge we did nothing to start it but we will do all in our power to finish it the way we see fit. Croatia has never been the strongest eCountry but has managed to erase Serbia and Poland from the map. USA should have taken that in to account when they attacked Croatia. Balkan mentality is fu**** up, the reason that we are strong is the same reason that keeps eWorld safe. Because of it we will never unite, for if we did the eWorld would burn.

I apologise for my English mistakes, not my native language ofc. You can agree with me or not, love to read about it in the comments below and I also need your help. I decided to change my banner from Marpat pattern to new Cropat digital pattern of the Croatian army. Unfortunately I can't find the same font I used for text in this banner that I like very much, If anyone knows the name of that font write it also in the comments, I will consider it a large personal service. Thanks for reading.