Sunny's 1st article with the unstoppable Max McFarland 2

Day 1,013, 15:28 Published in USA Denmark by sunnygyrl315

This is the first article of my paper The Sunny Side and I could think of no better person that I would want to christen it in a way than the great, infamous, extremely popular Max MacFarland 2. Max and I have never seen eye to eye on a lot of things especially the political ones, so I wanted to interview him to see where his head is at in V2.

What type of impact do you feel you've had on the game?

Max-Difficult to say. I think it's possible I have had a range of positive and negative impacts in different areas. I have built the organizations currently used as the eUSA low-skill training hub and nationalized infrastructure hub, and ran them on my own for a long time. I mentored a few hundred players, helped plenty more, and provided over a dozen pieces of infrastructure for key allies in v1 when they were down and out.

I proved that we could field 100% ATO in congress elections, without party support, with the help of citizen volunteers back in February. That led to me leading this way for a few months, then it got picked up by Colin, Rod, Fingerguns, etc, and carried forward in better versions every month, making my early efforts look sad by comparison. I like these impacts most... the ones that last, that others picked up after I left. You could say IES is another one... Bradley Reala wrote the legislation for it in Congress and supported me as the first Chairman/Director, then I recruited Astra Kat G and we built the foundation.

Now, on the other hand........

I utterly demolished goodwill between the eUSA and EDEN (mostly with Poland, Spain, Romania) for a while, a few months back. I left massive chaos in my wake, as I tried to build the APF, which ultimately failed and destabilized eUSA political parties for a while.I simply hope the positive impacts outweigh the negatives, looking back on all of it.

Me -I have to say the IES one is simply one of the greatest achievements to me that you are credited with. Even to this day, ICE works off of many of the ideas you created and Astra is a legend in her own right.

Any views on the current US political scene?

Max-It's an interesting mix of parties. I'm glad to see the SEES finally have a chance to back up words with action. I'm glad to see the USWP has come back to a position of prominence. The Feds seem to be doing as well as ever... they will probably hit the first spot and stay there at some point. I'm not current on the UIP or ADTP. I'm thrilled we managed to run a successful off-site CP primary, so we could help Croatia in their election defense. Overall, I'm still watching a bit from a distance and getting a feel for it... I'm not keen on getting back into politics after the mess I made before.

What do you think about this months POTUS candidates? Well the ones we know about so far including Cromstar, Civil Anarchy, and a possible St Krems.

Max-Given these three options, I'd support St Krems, completely, no reservations. I will be publishing an article in support of him once he announces his intentions to run.

Me-What if I changed the Krems to Cromstar any problem with that?

Max-I like Cromstar from our time/work together in Congress, but between these three candidates, I think St Krems has obviously proven he is the best choice for continued service as eUSA CP. Now, that said, I am currently helping some old friends put together a draft cabinet roster, for a run they are considering once St Krems has decided to call it a day. I’ll say this... the ticket in question is two old players who want a rough cabinet built before revealing names, a cabinet of quality people from all five parties. They want non-partisan cooperation from quality personnel who want to improve the nation, ahead of personal or party rivalries. I’m not personally in this ticket, merely a humble adviser helping to move things along.

So what type of impact would a Max McFarland endorsement have on a candidate's run hypothetically?

Max-I honestly have no idea. I still have lots of supporters, but I also have plenty of detractors. It could be a mixed blessing, to say the least. Overall, I'd think it would not matter. There is plenty of info out there in every election for people to select a candidate on their own... I've never quite understood the idea of voting based on someone else's recommendation, unless you are short on time and more interested in helping a friend, party, etc, then in finding the best candidate.

Okay Max I saved the best for last, what do you think of Chicken Guy's supposed PP race in SEES?

Max-Please quote me exactly on this one, I SUPPORT THIS ENDEAVOR.

Something else that Max supports xD

So there you have it folks, a mysterious POTUS contender, an endorsement for whatever CG thinks he's doing. All brought to you by Max, who I would like to thank for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk to me.