Sucker player of e-Republik

Day 1,610, 14:58 Published in Greece Greece by P0rth0s

Suckers GREECE
Suckers TURKEY
Suckers EDEN
Suckers TERRA
Sucker player of e-Republik

Is sure that Bulgaria , FYROM and the rest countries of ONE spend more money from the rest world !!!!
We can easy understand that seeing what happened today at Sofia !!!
So what to do next ??????
I’m sure that we have some lowers playing e-Republik and I want to ask them if they know the law for this kind of games and if we can do something for this unacceptable battle ???
I prefer to spend some money to rectify this thievery than tanking in some battles !!!!

In the other hand we can always use the power that we have STOP spending money for at least 1 Year (EDEN and TERRA…and all e-Republik) and be sure that ADMINS will have a very big problem !!!!!

It’s only a game and what if Bulgaria and FYROM conquer whole Greece for a month ???
It’s nothing if we can play after that on Equal terms with them ……..!!!!!
I think that it’s unfair for our friends that spend time and money for this battle to say only :
Sofia was secured by PLATO in the war versus Turkey.
And because ADMINS will do it again if no one don’t protest against them !!!

Ps1. My Bulgarian and Fyromian friends did their best to win the battle and enjoy the game and I don’t think that they did something wrong !!!

Ps2. Admins think that now we will continue tanking at the next battles so they will earn more money from the two sides……..pffffff