Strength and Courage !

Day 1,481, 18:40 Published in Canada Canada by Samuel de Champlain

The Union Nationale, one of the historical eCanada top5 party, is again, seen as a potential weak spot for ennemies of the country, that plans to disrupt our economy and corrupt our political system.

As the father of this party, I may not tolerate that roumanians force succeed in their dark endeavor.

As a result, I have called for a mobilization of the UN core force, its active members and soldiers.

The issue of the challenge may be of profound consequences for eCanada's stability.

In order to allow the preservation of the strength of our institutions, Union Nationale have to ask for the assistance of our fellow canadian citizens.

A strategic plan, would allow in the first place to secure Party Presidence to a Elder stateman of the Union Nationale. I stand up for the task.

In a second part of the strategy, UN will need to cooperate with other parties in order to avoid unpleasant consequence from the result of election of ennemy players into the seat of the eCanada Congress.

May your assistance allow the expected results and may all supporters receive our thankfull consideration.

In order to succeed, the Union of the canadian citizens may prevail, for the peace of our country.

May the force be with the eCanada.

Force et Courage !

Best regards,

Samuel de Champlain.
Founder of the Union Nationale.
day 1,481 of the New World.
December 10, 2011.