Day 661, 03:31 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 03:30 (Sep11) | Day 661 of the New World


Strategy Part 1
Some people play eRepublic because they want to be a senator or a president or run a newspaper or maybe start a company. But if there is anything that we all do here in eRepublik is fight. We work, chat, manage, write but above all we are all soldiers and most fight on a daily basis, never missing the opportunity to burn up some weapons, rather it be Q5 for the experienced among us or Q1 for the new players. eRepublik is designed to function like the real world, everything from food to companies, to resembles the real world we live in, however the way war is fought here in eRepublik is nothing like the real world, administration has simplified war down to a few rules and regulations, going to war in eRepublik is almost childs play, any nation can do it, no need for concrete strategy, its basically clicking the attack button and ordering the army to fight in that battle. This does a terrible dishonor to the art of warfare.

Thus I propose a few changes or additions to the way we fight. First I propose the establishment of an air force. The way this would work is a nation would have the option of investing in an air force for 500 gold to establish an air force base and 50 gold for every Q1 plane built 100 for a Q2 150 for a Q3 etc all the way up to Q5. With the choice of a fighter or bomber, all planes strength or damage capabilities would be based on Q1-Q5 .Air forces are not limited to a specific region or state, it can be used anywhere its country is fighting but cannot be moved to an allied country nor used in RWs. Bombers would be used to bring down the wall in a battle, why use a bomber? because it can fight all day, there is not limit as to how many times you can use it to attack a region, that's where the fighter comes in, its sole purpose is to attack the bomber fleet and take out the enemies bombers, this air battle would be measure by the number of planes in the battle and the quality of planes used. The president has the option of using as much of his or hers air force he wants, he/she may throw it all into a battle or just half or 1/4 etc.

Example- Russia attacks Alaska with a ground invasion, it deploys its air force to help bring down the wall, Russia's air force consists of 40 Q5 bombers and 20 Q3 bombers( keep in mind that to develop such an air force would require substantial investment) Russian bombers do much damage to the wall and continue to drive it ever closer to underground, America deploys its fighters into the battle, American fighter squadron consists of 80 Q5 fighters and 40 Q3. All you have to do is do some math, Q5 bombers and Q5 fighters are evenly matched so Russia looses its entire Q5 bomber force and America looses half or 40 Q5 fighters. Russia looses all of their Q3 bombers and America looses again half or 20 Q3 fighters, outcome- Russia's entire bomber force is wiped out while America looses half of its fighter squadron. Simple yet a fun way to add some strategy to the way we fight wars.

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(Ingo Castilho)

Editor's Corner - Enjoy the Game
What is the heck is eRepublik stress? eRepublik stress is the result of getting too emotionally caught up in the game. If you've ever played a game that caused you to become frustated and angry, then you know what I'm talking about. Playing a "bad" day of eRepublik can bring up many negative beliefs that people have about their ability to be successful. Wouldn't it be nice to clear away those negative beliefs and emotions and enjoy the game?

If you've been playing eRepublik for any length of time, it's likely that you played more than a few hours that have been gratifying and enjoyable. And, it's likely that there are times where your game feels like you're pushing a boulder uphill. It feels as though you've got your batteries in backwards and from the very first day, you've been playing a very poor character. What has happened is that because you got "off on the wrong foot" from the first day, your mindset has been set up for failure for the rest of your game because you allowed your frustration to get to you. Perhaps you even engaged in negative mind chatter, telling others that they can't do anything right.

Analyzing everything from an in-game objective view, no one's innocent. America has done some terrible things in the past and even now I was vociferous with regards to our involvement in certain conflicts (i.e. Serbia or Latvia), but PEACE is no better. They wrecked Australia and overtook S. Africa. Their operatives badly bruised the fledgling nation of Peru and they mastered the art of PTO. No one's a saint here.

It plain out sucks that people bring RL views of RL American behavior into this game. Not all of us want to be "worshipped" or think we are the best.

The best thing that could have happened to me was that I played with a group of fellows who enjoyed each other's company. Being good friends was more important than our achievements.

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Best regards,
Nero Preto ~ publishing editor
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter