Strategic Retreat

Day 609, 19:45 Published in USA USA by Chris Stanwick

Please remain calm. There is no reason to panic. A general retreat in all regions currently in battle was ordered as a strategic move to allow us a chance to counter the Russian advance. Our military is on standby. Do not panic, this was a planned retreat to implement a new plan of attack. Many will notice that Spain has attacked France on their home soil and that North Korea has attacked Russia. This is a new leaf in World War III. PEACE is now under attack on their own soil. This is the first stage in reclaiming our lost territory. Please continue to monitor the Department of Defense newspaper as well as the President's paper for updated battle orders.

If you live in one of the regions that was retreated, PM me in-game for moving tickets to return to US territory. Citizens now under Russian occupation, PM me immediately to return to the United States!

We have attacked PEACE on their own soil as the first step toward victory!