Stories of a Two-Clicker-The Wasteland

Day 2,269, 11:07 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Stories of a Two-Clicker

I spawned in this game October 14th 2009. I was a two clicker.

The world was different back than, more chaotic, like when Set Overthrew Osiris to rule over Egypt. Game mechanics weren't all set in stone, and there was still room for debate about how best to use them to your advantage. Of course back then I didn't even know what game mechanics were, I was just a newb wandering the wasteland of New Hampshire.

Buce: "What the hell is the wasteland?"
Raiden: "Its where we are now."
Buce: "Well ya, but why the hell is it the wasteland?"
Raiden: "Look around."

Raiden wasn't a particularly helpful fellow, but he was the only one around for miles.

Buce: "Well, what direction do you think we should head?"
Raiden "South."
Buce: "Why South?"
Raiden: "Heard there was a fortress in New Jersey."
Buce: "Whats a fortress?"
Raiden: "No idea, but it sounds a lot better than the wasteland."

We spent the next couple days moving towards New Jersey but the going was slow. Every now and again we would come across another wastelander, but they never said anything. Well, not until the one we met about a day away from where we thought the New Jersey Fortress was. There wasn't exactly a lot to obscure your view in the wasteland, aside from the general haziness of the air itself, so we saw him coming from a long way off. We shouted to him as he approached us.

Buce: "Hey, are you coming from the New Jersey Stronghold?"
Raiden "Do you know where the military is?"
XxXL33t720scopeXxX: "Hungarians."

He never stopped, and he never looked at us. Raiden and I stopped walking for a while after that, but we didn't sit down or say anything to each other during that time. Eventually I asked Raiden if he wanted to start walking again, he nodded, and we left that place.

We didn't reach our destination that night, but we knew we were close. A few Blackhawks flew over head in the early morning, going the other way. We found the New Jersey fortress shortly after that, or what was left of it.

Buce: "Well I guess we know why those helicopters were moving the other way now."

I attempted a smile, but it turned into more of a grimace. Raiden didn't say anything. We spent the rest of the day scavenging for what we could, but there wasn't much. Raiden didn't say anything until we were about to go to sleep for the night.

Raiden: "Seems like everywhere is a wasteland."

I didn't really know what to say, I fell asleep a little bit after that. When I awoke that morning Raiden had faded out. People did that a lot in the wasteland, especially in those days. I didn't fancy wandering the wasteland by myself, but I sure as hell wasn't going to stay in those ruins alone.

I chose a direction, and I walked.