Stop the Trolling

Day 931, 13:34 Published in Canada Latvia by Imauts
As every morning, you woke up to enjoy your morning coffee, next you opened the latest newspaper. But then, out of nowhere, the vicious Trollus eRepublica - common newspaper troll - showed up.

Note: picture is fictional.

As the day went on, it just wasn't the same. That troll really messed up your day. But no worries! We have a solution!! I present you eIgnore! It's a Greasemonkey script, that allows you to hide unwanted comments

How it works:

You will nee😛
- Mozilla Firefox (Opera should be fine too)
- Greasemonkey

1. Install Greasemonkey and restart Firefox.
2. Install eIgnore !" />

3. When you find a troll, go to Community -> Tools.
4. Enter his name (Case sensitive) and press ignore! If you didi it right, his name will show up on the list. If you make a mistake, just press X next to ones name to remove him from the list." />" />

The trolls are all gone!
(Sometimes Greasemonkey allows you to see these trolls for a second or two, as the script starts working when the page is loaded.)


P.S.Please, send some gold to our programmer, so he wouldn't starve. If you don't want to do that, vote+sub is fine too.
Programmer: Mobster1930
Vot and Sub: BiH Today