Still taking Award Nominations MoC

Day 1,452, 10:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hello all. Happy Veterans Day to all you in the US. I guess it is still called Armistice Day for the rest of you. Thank a Vet for crying out loud!

We are still taking nominations for the Community Awards. We have had a few but still need more. More is better. Don't wait for someone else to nominate someone you think is deserving. They may not do it and your choice may not win. They can't win if you don't nominate.

There has also been some talk that the Awards are growing a little stale. So to bring some excitement back into the process I think some new categories are in order. Now we won't go all out and change everything. Maybe add a couple of new ones and remove some of the old ones. Let me know.

So send your nominations to either the Community org or to me.

Comment below on what categories you think should be added or which you would like to see gone.


I would also be remiss if I didn't include the contest that our newly elected President Bhane has proposed. (Also he asked me to do it. lol) So here is the contest in our Presidents own words.

The message for new citizens is long overdue for a change. However, I am a lazy, lazy man.
Therefore, I am having a contest for writing the new citizen message.

I would like it to be a general greeting to our community, rather than including the exact current status of the country (like being wiped). That way, the greeting will still be apt as geo-political situations change. I would like it to include some words about Irish pride, and strength. I would like to see a warm welcome to our community that invites them to participate in the media with articles and comments. A link to Irasian's guide would probably be a good idea for new players ( ). Nobody wants a tl;dr that players will just ignore, so keep it short and sweet.

Please mail me any submissions for the new message directly to me. Whomever writes the message that I use will receive 20 Q5 tanks, and the 100 Q5 food it takes to use them.

So remember we need a New Citizens Message, new nomination categories and if there is anything else you have on your mind feel free to comment.


Minister of Community
Anthony Colby