Stewy for AFA Party President!

Day 2,025, 14:53 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

We're in the midst of dark times in the eUnited States. War rages with serbia and their alliance. Multis abound everywhere, and the top 5 political parties are in crises, but one party in particular cries out for help.

Ronald Gipper Reagan (RGR), self-proclaimed champion of the little guy, has recently commandeered the American Freedom Alliance. He's decided that the average citizen of his own party is his enemy, cannot be trusted, and must be disenfranchised. RGR's recent "War Powers Act" is the most despostic anti-american filth I have seen in a long time. This act includes the following:

RGR is granted the following powers:

- full powers of banning in our Forum;

- not to call for PP primaries this month;

- run unopposed for PP this month;

- start organizing TO operations of other parties;

- use the party treasury as needed to fund campaign and TO operations;

- use any means at his disposal to win the AFA PP elections.

All of this without having to answer to anyone or being accountable for his deeds while this Emergency Powers Act is in effect.

RGR, who claims to support freedom, wants to take away any chance for his OWN PARTY to vote in free elections! RGR has become the ultimate elitist and enemy of his own people. He demands power without accountability, and he demands the power to utterly censor his enemies through forum bans while he dips his greedy paws into the party treasury!

The American Freedom Alliance must fight this travesty! Thankfully, Stewy has chosen to step forward, and fight for freedom in the AFA!

Stewy is the only real Patriotic choice for the AFA. He stands against RGR's censorship and disenfranchising tactics. Free Elections can only be had under the Party Presidency of Stewy in the American Freedom Alliance.

Vote Stewy for AFA Party President!
Vote For Freedom!