Stem areqw til Kongressen på Trøndelag!

Day 796, 00:51 Published in Norway Norway by areqw


New Congress elections came and this is time tell you what I would like to do in Congress. I`m this term Congressman from Sørlandet from Binary Party where where I`m from its beginning. This party is full of fantastic people and I can surely say that vote for Binary Party is vote for Norway finest. This month I`m starting from Trøndelag to develop Binary Party support here and show you what we can do for You. And this is short summary what I support.

Hospitals In More Regions
No need to tell you why hospitals are so important. They helps to improve wellness after fight and let people live in region they want to. My goal is to set hospital in every Norwegian region.

FSK, Heimevernet and Training Wars
Some may tell you that hospitals in every region is just waste of money, because we will lose them when attacked. So we must do everything to develop our country that we will be able to defend ourselves. One of best ways to do it is to have well trained soldiers and Training Wars. I really don`t know why current government doesn`t try to give us Training Wars. I can assure you I will always support Training Wars in Congress.

Help For Younger Citizens
We need well trained citizens, but also we need to give Norway real Baby Boom. Did you see the Baby Boom that Poland now has? About two months ago Poland wasn`t big country and now has the most players in this game. I don`t promise you that in Norway will be the same, but as you may notice Binary Party is the one who makes really much in this matter. From my side you can be sure I will help new players in their first days in game.

Rich country with wealth citizens
Do you like paying taxes? I don`t and think you also not. But I have some needs that country should meet. I would like to have more hospitals, ongoing training war and better help for young players. For this country needs money and taxes are one of its sources. Taxes that are on reasonable level and gives enough money for country and stays enough money for citizen. This is what I will support in Congress.

If you also share my opinions please vote for me in Trøndelag!

I always keep my word and I will do my best to serve Norway in next term.

Stem meg til Kongressen på Trøndelag i Binærpartiet!

Med vennlig hilsen
Kongressmedlem på Binærpartiet