Stefan1992 for South East Congress!

Day 519, 20:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

Fellow citizens of the South East,

I have decided to run for Congress this month, and wish to represent you. I have lived in the South East for almost all the time (I spent a couple of days in Romania). Therefore, I know the South East region well, and I know what works here, and what could be improved.

About Me:

I have been a citizen of eRepublik for around three months. I was given the opportunity to run last month, but declined, because I felt like I was not experienced back then. Within that month, I have become much more active on the forums, and have got a much better understanding of what needs to be done. I am a member of the Unity Party, the quickest growing party in the UK. Anyway, enough about me, let me show you what I will do for you.

Health and the NHS:

For new members, the NHS is your best friend. A new programme, Wellness Fast, has been founded (which was created by TUP). This allows people who are eligible to go travel to another country to fight. This increases wellness, experience points, and you get to travel around the world. I have participated in this programme, and from personal experience, I can say that it is a great option. Saying all of this, people should never abuse the NHS, as done in the past, because this is ultimately wasting your taxes.


Taxes are placed on food and other items that you purchase. There is also a tax that is taken out of your salary. Sometimes, it may feel like taxes are too high, especially for new players. However, taxes are needed, no matter how much we hate them, to maintain a healthy economy. I also think that import taxes should be lowered, to stimulate the economy.

Foreign Relations:

MPPs are needed to gain strong alliances, and give people the opportunity to fight in wars from home. MPPs should be signed with countries that are: 1) Strong allies such as Romania, and 2) small countries that are likely to be attacked (giving people a higher chance to fight).


Do you feel like you are getting bored after doing work, train, and eat, over and over? This has been the case with many people, who eventually quit eRepublik and end up dying. Over at TUP, there have been several proposals as to how to make your experience more exciting. This includes a national lottery, and art and literature competitions. There will also be a "eUK Day", a monthly event where various games and events will be held for the citizens.


TUP recently created the Ministerial Reports Bill, which allows the public to be more informed about what is going on in the government. It also gives people the opportunity to express their own opinions on the topics that are discussed. Also, I will write a weekly article about what I have done in Congress, and what Congress has done in that week.

South East:

As a new member, I joined a programme the South East Regional Council was doing, which gave free Q5 food to new members. Unfortunately, this has appeared to become inactive. I want to restart this programme, so that new citizens of the South East will be able to maintain a better wellness. I also want to encourage more people to join the forums, so we can have discussions on the South East region section.

Finally, I would like you to take the time to read The Unity Party Manifesto.

Thank you for your time. Remember to vote up this article, and vote Stefan1992 for South East Congress on the 25th of April, 2009.

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