State Of The Nation

Day 2,573, 07:02 Published in Ireland South Korea by An Sluagh

Citizens of the Republic,

In our current situation, we need to assess and analyse our nation, we need to review our strategies and goals whilst being realistic and accepting that perfection is something hard to come by. It's not achieved in a day or by a few people but instead by a community and hours of work which will should pay off. In this article I hope to look into different issues faced by Ireland and give my opinion on the best way forward and how we can deal with such matters.

[CP Elections]

We had three candidates running for Country President:

I also intended to run for Country President but due to a logistical error I was unable to be made a candidate within the games required time-frame. We were left facing a three-man race, a race where no article was produced, where all three are Party Presidents of their parties respectively and no doubt just decided to candidate themselves. Both Trito Fisher and The Republics Assasain both regularly run for the position in a overly relaxed "cause they can way". As far as I am aware from reading Elite C's article: CP Election - Know your candidates, Fritzhill fully intends to be a legitimate CP and is running out of desire. No doubt with his vast game experience, his love of Ireland and a knowledgeable cabinet he will be able to do a decent enough job.

What troubles me the most and should make citizen's even more concerned is the lack of candidates available. Nobody wishes to run for the most prestigious office. Yet when it comes to congress we have several people who run for it. A lot of these congress members give out over government policy and they give out over the lack of government effort. Don't complain, act on it. Without taking part, the country will grind to a standstill as we are currently facing. We need more citizens to step forward, become experts in a field and show initiative and leadership.


One of Ian Arbuckles plans for this term was organise an effort for a Babyboom. We immediately set about preparing this and adjusted the New Citizens Message accordingly. The previous message was a sore to the eye and was in serious need of being updated and more user-friendly. We have the provisions in place to support a BabyBoom, our next step is in attracting people to the game, eIreland in particular. Several times have we tried to get a BabyBoom in eIreland and have started campaigns on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and several forums. Different newspapers have been emailed but unfortunately, we've had no correspondence. We are now exploring the option of paying for advertisement and have narrowed down our focus to one news-site: TheJournal. Their rates and users we deem very reasonable and suitable.

So far from within Ian Arbuckle's government we had at least €50 pledged. If you would be interested in being a donor please let us know so we have an idea about general support of this project. A big issue will be how we handle this money and this Government has agreed that we should look for volunteers to oversee this project and then let the donors vote who they have their ultimate trust in to oversee the handling of cash.

Under Ireland's current occupation, we have a greater potential to appeal for new citizens. "Help Liberate Ireland".

[The War With China]

As Minister of Defence I was tasked with the job of overseeing the protection of our nation. Ultimately I failed but I do not feel anyway responsible. Through clever use of CO we shut down the first chance China had to attack us thus securing our congress, this in itself is a victory. This only postponed their invasion and it wasn't long until they proposed an air-strike again and attacked Dublin. Our plan was to meet them with maximum resistance and we did. Within the first forty-five minutes the battle for Dublin was an Epic Battle. If this doesn't show how serious of a battle it was, I don't know what does. We spent more CO in the first round of this battle than we had in the three battles we set CO on the previous days to block their air-strike. We weren't going down easy and China wasn't backing down either.

Following the defeat of Dublin we decided to scale down our defence. We have a much smaller nation, a much smaller budget, a much smaller MPP stack and overall we produce less damage. It would take a miracle to win. The next step we had was peace negotiations. These peace negotiations were broken down following congresses decision to propose a Natural Enemy Law on China. We accept that some congress members unknowingly voted Yes but there are some who did so in spite of this Government. An article appealing for a No vote was released, many TD's were individually messaged and the old threads were informed to vote no. 23 of this months congress members were in last months thread, the fact that only 8 voted against shows a complete weakness within our congress.

As of now we are a resistance war stage, our alliance has other priorities right now and the United Kingdom who gave us assistance previously are occupied with their own war. It really looks like we are set for a long Winter. There is no way we can liberate ourselves in our current situation without emptying our vaults, and this is something this Government didn't wish to do.

[Enhancing Our Community]

Ask anyone what they like most about eIreland. They will tell you the people and the community. I fully agree. However what remains of our community? The standard of our Ministry of Community has been forever falling, political pettiness and grudges leaves people not wanting to talk or associate with other members of our community. This has to change. This month as part of the Department of Defense's National Strikes we encouraged the use of IRC, and it was quite successful. Citizen's I have not seen on IRC before or in a long time came online and conversations were had. It was really great to see the improved level of communication between Irish citizens. Those that attended I thank you and those that didn't, attend next time.

People complain about this being just a military game but there is potential for so much more if you look for it. The media module has been reformed, the military module is doing well, politics has become redundant out of lack of overall lack of interest from citizens and the economy is being tweaked bit by bit. However the social end is entirely in our hands. The fun and friends we make is up to us. For this reason I recommend people do come on #eIreland. If there is nobody there to talk to, just leave your account idle and somebody will come. If we all login and leave, then the channel is useless, be patient. I'd like to see people produce more articles about global events, promote their party, give an ideology to your party and look for logical debates, we've done it before and we can do it again.

I also would like to see us establish a forum. I have never been a fan of one but perhaps at this stage we need one and to all actively use it. We need to strengthen our community and keep the nation talking to one another. Without a community, we are not a nation.


I am watching eIreland dying.
Only we can change that.
Do not stand by and moan.
Get active and be part of a solution.

We have a limited amount of time left to save eIreland.

An Sluagh
A concerned Irish citizen

**RIP Seanan**