Starting New

Day 1,989, 22:41 Published in USA USA by AlexJ1890

Since I started playing this game, I've never given much thought to writing, and the stuff I did write in the past has no context or use at this time since all my articles pertained to teaching new players how to do specific things that either no longer exist or have changed drastically, so I've deleted them and am going to start fresh. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

This is just the beginning. I told myself when I first started, I would play in the shadows, where I could work without being noticed and move up with hard work and dedication. I’ve come to realize this needs to change, and change it will. I’ll still be as dedicated as always, but I’m starting a new eLife with this article, an eLife which will be much more public. With a lot of writing, ranting, and probably some trolling too.

And with this article, I begin my new eLife!