Star at the shadow

Day 931, 14:25 Published in Latvia Philippines by Marie von Gablitz
Hello Latvia !!!

this newspaper content quick interview's with less famous people in our world.
We all read president presentation and interview's and no metter wich country is it all are the same.

I found one of Latvian citizen and diplomat and gave him 1 minute per question time to answer.
His name is Durklis and he was Latvian congress member, ambassador in Slovenia, working for Latvian MoF. I bad enough to torture him a bit today 🙂

Marie- Ok first I dont know you that well so please tell me what were your functions in Latvia?
Durklis- OK, i have not even a clear job !! 🙂

Marie- what were you during your e life time
Durklis i realized plans of my chiefs
ambassador of secret region

Marie- would you please explain us your job ?
Durklis my job generally consisted in gathering information
and in analyzing political information, too

Marie- do you have some special area where you get informations or you find informations randomly
Durklis randomly, acting under different nicknames where it was permitted 🙂 (But i'm not an owner of multi's in eRep, you can be sure about it)

Marie- do you think you are important for eLatvian government because you know and have access to many sorce of informations
Durklis i thought i was, now, under the regime of current president i am unwanted
Marie- would you use your informations for revange to surent regime even if that could have bad influence on eLatvia?
Durklis never
it would be like a division
of myself in two parts

Marie- that means you are still loyal to your country or your president
Durklis i love my e-country as native land, but i am afraid of it's political fate
i regret the action our previous president made against Estonia, declaring war
i feel like divided in my heart, for i have Estonian blood in me, too

Marie- Did you ever thought about leaving eLatvia and living some different e life
Durklis yes I thought
I had imagined a life in other countries
only the encouragement of my boss motivated me to stay where I am

Marie- Is that mean other people have strong influance on you and manage you? What was the thing you done alone buy yourself ?
Durklis i know i am far of being ambitious
i prefer to rest in shade like "grey" cardinal
and it's normal
for my leadership doesn't manifest in organizing things
i'm more effective to implement ideas of other people in real life

Marie- Did you had feeling sometime others on higher positions used you primary for they goals and then for country needs
making they popularity in society
on your work?
Durklis no, i know when someone tries to misuse me and I generally avoid these situations
so far I am not popular in eLatvia, as the elections show it
nor my party does it
"my party" = "party where I belong to"

Marie- Since you choosed politic life why arent you anymore in country congress? Are you afraid because your low popularity you wouldnt be elected?
Durklis- as i said above, i tried to do it
however i am come to conclusion that these elections were unfair, for many persons got elected due to multi's.

Marie- but admins implement new cheating sistem you wanna tell me that sistem dont work even now ?
Durklis- that anticheating system saves from getting illegal money (gold), but it doesn't influence the elections
there are many imperfections in eRep modules, so admins should overlook election module, too

Marie- as I know they did but If you have your opinion already I wont try to change it
Marie- Do you plan to stay diplomat all your e life ?

Durklis- maybe
but i would like to have a membership in some military alliance, too
(as a HQ member)

Marie- Does it mean you will found your military unit one day maybe ?
Durklis- it depends on my job in RL
but i will try to do it

Marie- Did you ever had wish to candidate for eLatvian country president?
Durklis no, i had not
i would prefer to be the speaker of parliament 🙂

Marie- Now tell me something about eLatvian position in PHOENIX alliance?
Durklis that's bad question
Marie- why is it bad ?
Durklis- now, after the Latvian-Estonian war Latvians are left ignorant about their fate
from one side, there are many who would will to join another alliance like EDEN, from the other side, there are some who would like to suffer a penalty and rest in it
the punishment consists in paying 300 golds
however, many members of PHOENIX refuse to vote over this question

Marie- As a full memebr eLatvia didnt had any right to decide once what you wanted and needed, do you think you deserve that treatment ?
Durklis- the e😜resident of Latvia should carry the responsibility for it, as the war was definitely unjust. however, the membership of Latvia should be discussed for the agreement was concluded till the beginnng of the March, 2010, if i remember correctly

Marie- Tell me did you had access to country accounts
Durklis- I had not

Marie- If you had would you use some amount for yourself?
Durklis- never
being in that situation means to have a lot of remords of conscience, and i cann't bear it

Marie- Whats the influence of politic on human caracter. Bad or Good?
Durklis- it's unmeasurable in categories "bad" or "good"
it is neutral, per se
as the character of human includes force of will, ability to decide

Marie- Do you think sometimes it would be better you started a new way and life insted you have now?
Durklis- I don't like to reincarnate
I prefer to live my life (both - e-life and RL) in its fullness

Marie- Now something for End tell some: phrase, moto etc what you like the most, whatever you wish to share in public.

Live your life as yourself, as you have rights to be yourself. If you choose to be what you aren't and cann't be, you choose to fragment your soul, and it's dangerous

The state is a creation of nature and man is by nature a political animal.