Stanwick on the Issues

Day 643, 08:28 Published in Ireland USA by Chris Stanwick

Tomorrow is the Congressional election day, my first in Ireland. The mechanics are a little different than I am used to, with multiple candidates from each party able to run in each region. It is fascinating to observe how the election module works in smaller and larger nations. I encourage the citizens of Ireland to vote tomorrow for the IUP candidates in your region. I also ask for your vote in Dublin myself. I am including a more detailed platform below so that you understand my political stances on a variety of issues.

Taxes: Moderate income taxes are important in a healthy economy as they enable the government to fund important programs that benefit the citizens. Low import taxes, especially on goods and raw materials not produced in Ireland, are also important to a healthy economy. Most of the time, free trade is better for an economy than protectionism.

State-Owned Companies: Many nations follow the practice of owning several companies to provide low level jobs for new citizens and to earn a small profit for the government. Some nations succeed with their companies, such as Israel, which regularly makes a large profit, and some fail with them, such as Argentina, which experienced an economic collapse when a baby boom wiped out their treasury. Finding capable managers for state-owned companies is the key to success.

Retention: A major problem that faces every nation is new citizen retention. Having an active external community through forums and IRC and encouraging new citizens to get involved in the sphere they are most interested is vital to retention. Players have to have a purpose to stay active. Dead and dying citizens are a drain on the economy and a drag to morale.

Refugees: This has become an important issue in a number of neutral nations recently, as war refugees have begun pouring in. Some have responded warmly to the new residents, while others have resented their involvement in internal affairs. Having an established government policy on the status of refugees is important. Determine what their status in their new home should be to stabilize the waves that they will cause.

War Games: The involvement in the PEACE sponsored war games was a brilliant move that has helped to improve the economy and military experience. The majority of players prefer participating in battle of some sort to maximize their daily experience gain. They level faster, which increases their gold supply, which encourages them to purchase goods, thus stimulating the economy. Continued participation should be a must.

Neutrality: As Ireland is caught between both PEACE and former Fortis-aligned nations, and will always be in such a position, it is important to maintain neutrality with nations of both groups. However, forging alliances with other non-aligned, neutral nations should be looked at as a possibility to encourage trade and participate in future non-aligned war games.

Activity: Ireland is a small nation with a small group of active players that participate in the external community. I see this as a detriment to the political arena because new voices and outlooks are rarely added to the political establishment. Encouraging citizens to become active and encouraging them to join a party, voice their opinions, and run for the Dáil is instrumental to growing a successful new generation of citizens.

Transparency: I have long proselytized about the importance of government transparency. I have seen what government secrecy can do to a nation once the secrets are revealed, and do not wish that on any nation. I encourage the government to be honest with its citizens and regularly ask the public what they think on the issues of the time. Transparency is also a great way to get citizens involved.

When you go to the poll tomorrow, remember where each candidate stands on the issues and vote according to your own values and stances. Don't forget to vote.