Standing for Congress...AGAIN!

Day 666, 18:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jacen Molare

...However, don't be fooled! This representative does not see Congress as a chore. Far from it!

This last month has been a pleasure to represent the people of eNI and I thank all of you who voted for me, and for those who didn't and yet still gave me the chance to be a part of our community. Coming up to the elections, I will release a full manifesto, but I want to lay out, in broad strokes, what I have done, and what I aim to do if elected for a fifth term.

The issue of PEACE
Peace is good...PEACE however, is not. Now, why on earth would I say that? Well, on some level, PEACE membership has had its benefits for the eUK. We have active training wars, and there is most certainly a buzz around the nation. However, being part of PEACE causes some serious issues for me. Firstly, we sacrificed our honour to become a part of PEACE. Some will tell you that doesn't matter, this is a game. That's fine for them, but I choose to play this game with honour. If you are like me, then you will give some care to what people think of you and your nation! Secondly, we seem to dance to the tune that the PEACE bandmaster plays, and I feel our nation should have just a little more sovereignty than it does under PEACE!

'But Jacen', you might say, 'what are the alternatives'? And that would be a very good question. Over my last term, it is one that has given me something of a challenge. However, it is my belief that the New World needs a radical shift in it's perspectives in regards to alliances. One thing I would be pushing for is the ideal of smaller regional or cultural alliances, that alone cannot overpower and conquer, but can come together for mutual defence. We still solve the problem of activity and wars (not training, but good honest fighting), without the risk of a global hegemon holding sway. Along with my colleagues in Free Britain, I aim to explore this as a viable alternative, and in some ways, we are seeing this take shape with recent NAPs etc!

A regional representative or a national politician
Early on this term, this question was one that came up. Now, there are some politicians out there who effectively believe that regions are pointless, and serve little to no purpose. However, I believe that regions can be a very good portal into the community for many players, and would like to see this be an ideal adopted by us all. Of course, it takes hard work (as evidence by even our own forums), but I believe there is a lot of potential in our region, as evidenced by our recent placing in Maddog Jones series on best region in the eUK. As such, I would very much like to see a continuation of the previous hard work put in, and see this expanded.

Looking out for the citizen
For those who perhaps know my political stance, it will come as no surprise that I am an advocate of the 'average citizen' (although I disagree with such terminology). However, in the eUK, there seems to be a definite swing toward a political elite (which some of us have in the past refered to as an oligarchy). Regardless of terminology, there is very much an attitude of 'we know best' and anyone else outside of the group has at best, a nominal say. Over the last term, I have been working tirelessly to try and change this, through dialogue and debate within and without the Commons. This must continue, or those citizens new to the game will feel lost and alienated, whilst the powerful only continue to accumulate power. I have debated on numerous issues, from the House of Lords, to information sharing between the branches of the government; from making sure the people's representatives in Parliament have more of a say, to eUK foreign relations. If you choose to vote for me, I make it my promise that I will continue to question the government and to make sure that the voice of the people is heard, whilst holding government accountable for it's actions and choices.

Free Britain
Yes...I am a member of Free Britain! I do not hide that fact, nor do I trumpet it from the rooftops. I very much belief and support the mission statement of Free Britain, and have on occasion writing articles for the Free Britain Times. My view is, as mentioned, that government should be held accountable, and the people have a right to know the actions of their leaders (where it does not compromise security). Hence my involvement in the Free Britain movement.

Closer to the elections, I may expand some points here, but I hope that you can consider placing a vote for me.
