ST6 50/50 Raffle

Day 758, 14:35 Published in USA USA by Wpack10
What is it?

This raffle will be to benefit ST6. The raffle will run for 1 week, until Thursday, December 24th. The raffle will be run in a 50/50 style. Maximum of 10 tickets per person. Winner will be chosen through an online random number generator that I will provide a Screenshot of.

What is a 50/50?

I have never seen this run on eRepublik which is the reason I am doing it. A 50/50 raffle has NO SET PRIZE. In these type raffles the prizes are determined by the number of tickets boughten which is why I am not placing a cap on the tickets. What happens is that on next thursday I tke the total amount of money gained by this raffle and divide it into 2. The first half of that is the prize money, the 2nd half will be donated to ST6. This means the more you play, the more I pay. If you do not trust me I will be perfectly willing to sign a contract on the eRep forums.

How much does it cost?

Tickets will be sold at $5 of your national currency. Yes, whatever currency you are. All money will be changed to gold before being divided in half and the gold will be donated to the winning party/parties.

Winning Parties?

Yes, Parties. Depending on public response I will add more prizes. The more money we gain there will be up to 3 winners gaining 30%, 15% and 5% of the total prize money. The less we get the less prizes there are.

They support ST6, do you?

How do I sign up?

First, fill out">THIS form.

Then donate $5 of your national currency HERE.

Your name will be listed in the Spreadsheet found Here:

Finally, vote up this article and shout it to get more people to participate.