srg91 banished from eAustralia

Day 747, 19:54 Published in Australia Australia by Cottus Arci

Honestly, I once had supreme respect for srg91.

Then I come across this article written by him and voted by 68 douchebags to feature in the top 5.

"Voting Instructions:: ERA voters should now back Garven Dreis"

srg91 at the very end of this article claims it's a Lulz article. Yet, one only needs to read the articles heading on either their homepage (which shows the top 5 articles) or in the top news section and could easily vote in favour of Garven.

Heck, anyone could even just double check the article to be sure, and see it is from the trusted name of srg91 and not even bother reading the rest.

Why would someone do this?

We the two-clickers ain't got time for hours of reading through forums & news articles, and once again...

They would see this article is from the trusted name of srg91.

What an abuse of trust & reputation.

For what it's worth, your banished. Yes, it doesn't mean jack poopie coming from the big fat has-been that I am, but it was a catchy header and that appears to be the flavour of the month.

Oh and another thing - it's so unbelievably transparent that you're in dummy-spitting downward spiral ever since Australia stood up to Indonesia and claimed what's rightfully ours... it's pathetic.