Sr. Bin i "The sweet taste of victory" - by rlazol

Day 584, 07:52 Published in Serbia Serbia by Lipec

Pošto nema svoje sopstvene novine, rlazol, glavnokomandujući eMađarskom TO/ATO grupom želeo je da se obrati stanovništvu eSrbije i zamolio me je da mu ustupim medijski prosto Sr. Bin-a za tu priliku.

Evo celokupne poruke:

The sweet taste of victory

Operation White Eagle succeeded. Serbia has won a crucial TO match against her lifelong enemy. True, that allies helped you in many ways, but there are not many things in (e)life that could be achieved without friends.

You participated in many PEACE victories as trustful, reliable friends. You were there at liberation of Budapest and when Indo stopped Romania, you were in the first lines in the battles of Podolia, took your part against Matzenesia.

But this is different. This victory is finally yours. This time you fought for yourselfs four your country, this time not sending but receiving the aid.

Doesn’t it feels different? A victory of Serbia for Serbia. Enjoy the sweet taste of it my friends, and start to get used to it. Glorious day are coming.

Peace at home – war in Croatia


Superior commander of TO/ATO operations, Hungary