Spring sale

Day 4,882, 01:22 Published in Austria Austria by OEBernd

Spring sale

Oh wow there is a spring sale... We didn´t see that comming.
But hey you can make money out of nothing. The gap between tanks and Oebernds rise again.

Last time: Buy 2*500 gold pack
I was able to afford one of them I can remember
These were so strong you collect money from sale to sale. No more fun in between.

This time: Buy 2* 1.000 Gold Pack!
Well it´s not worth buying it but if you want to compete you have to do that.

Like the last times:
■ If you are a ground fighter only: Buy expencive packs& the cheapest ones -if you want the energy some air medals.
■ If you are an air fighter you have the most stingers and carrots with the cheap packs.
■ Medals will be more expensive during the next 2 weeks.

Your "No fun at all"