Spock Has Returned?

Day 956, 21:50 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

For those of you who are a bit slow on the news these days (like me), we just attacked Far Eastern Russia.

That's right, we attacked Russia. I mean heck if we can catch Russian spais IRL why not just flat out fight them here? It makes sense amirite? Anyways we did this before and we're still here today.

For those of you who don't know one of our greatest presidents ever, Scrabman, attacked FER at the end of his term. I mean that worked out just fine for us right? Well I guess, until all those MPP's we earned when we attacked came back to bite us when we got invaded. But hey who's counting we still made it through that and we're a better America now!

Unless you take into account that Croatia is being attacked and last I checked we didn't have all of our regions... but again who's counting? This is a great spark for our country right before v2 where everyone will die out... I mean get excited for a change! Because that's what we do in America, we embrace change and hope.

Hell yes I do! This is exactly like that time we all went down to Mexico for real Taco Bell and that was great, we had another beer in Mexico and lost all our worries! Oh wait no we didn't... DANGIT!!!
Well I guess all that's left to do is raise our glasses in a toast to not learning from our mistakes in the past from the history channel!

Yours Truly,