Spiritual Socialism Constitution

Day 826, 01:59 Published in India India by Socialist ePirates

Our motto:
+ We are made from amongst the Public
+ We are made by the Public
+ We are made for serving the Public

Codes to live by:
1) Freedom is god given
2) Respect is the first step towards humanity
3) Chaos is Survival of the Strongest
4) Order (sustaining the weak) is the duty of mankind
5) Power without restriction is the path to destruction
6) Fear is the path to the dark side
7) Corruption is one of the greatest sin of mankind

Communist Party of India Charter (expansion upon the codes)
Article I
We do not ask for freedom, it is everyone's birthright. This includes but not limited to the freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, and petition.

Article II
With the freedoms in Article I, comes the responsibility to respect all life.

Article III
Competition, also known as "Survival of the Strongest" is chaos.

Article IV
Sustaining the weak is Order, and maintaining Order is our duty.

Article V
Power has to potential to corrupt, limitless power has the potential to corrupt unhindered.
Therefore, power without restriction is the path to destruction.

Article VI
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to Violence. Violence leads to suffering. Suffering leads to fear of more suffering. And, the cycle begins again.
Therefore, fear is the path to the dark side.

Article VII
Corruption (agreeing with your dark side) is one of the greatest sin of mankind.

Charter Questions

Respect Vs Equal rights and privileges

For equal rights, See Article #1. As for equal privileges, we don't care as long as we have our Freedoms.
Also, humans have fought over equal rights and privileges for centuries. Respecting all life has the potential to end wars and hatred, because it is one of the ways of humility, leader of all virtues, and is opposed by hostility, starter of all wars.