Spice brought to newspaper and profit

Day 182, 16:06 Published in Greece Greece by seatchle

In response to the article saying all the news is to bland and that we need some interesting things to talk about, i came up with this......

for now on once a week i will post a citizens article that they write and send to me....

this article can contain anything you like, but understand that i may be receiving many articles and will only pick one everyweek to run in my paper, so if i feel that you are racial or to rude toward anyone or anything i will not choose yours...

so all you need to do is write an article about something you feel passionate about in or out of game and send it to my email


i will reveiw the articles and every monday put out one article written by you the readers... all credit will be acknowledged as yours and i will pay 3 GRD to the articles owner that gets posted.....

any questions or concerns please comment here