Spend Smart, Fight Smart

Day 1,236, 11:59 Published in USA USA by Teucer

For those of you who haven’t noticed, gold prices have skyrocketed over the past few weeks (especially in the last several days). Many economists believe there is nothing that we can do to counter this drastic fall in pegs across the globe and I agree with them. For now we just need to ride this rough patch out and wait for possible admin intervention. Also, we are currently at war with Spain and so are our allies Brazil and France.

I have some quick advice for everyone reading in concerns to gold prices and our current wars, so read carefully:

1) Don’t buy gold from the Monetary Market!
Right now is an awful time to buy gold and I would recommend stockpiling your gold or putting it to good use (i.e. buy a business). You will waste a great deal of local currency and just help push the peg lower if you do buy gold from the MM right now, so be mindful of this.

2) Go buy food and weapons!
Wages are high right now and consumers have solid purchasing power. I would recommend that all players maximize their food fights and help the current war effort. If you have excess USD and have your food fights covered, then you may want to consider buying some tanks and working on boosting your rank. Times like these are perfect for working on your damage ability, so get out there and help kill some double-Spaniards!

3) Always check the DoD newspaper for orders!
Our allies in Terra help coordinate our war efforts to the most important battles, so you must check to see where we need your damage the most. Just because we have a battle open with Spain does not mean that is our priority battle. Fighting for France or Brozil is just like fighting for the US because we’re all on the same team, so work together and follow the DoD!

4) Canada is declaring the US its Natural Enemy, but do not panic! We are still bros with Canada!
Canada is utilizing its NE capacity to do some region swaps with the US in order to maximize resources for both countries. Do not waste damage in any battles with Canada unless the DoD says so!

5) Join a military unit!
There are many options available and all of them could certainly use your assistance, so go sign up today! Remember, IRC use is usually a requirement as well as high activity. Military Units are a great place to meet people, get supplied, and generally kick butt. I would recommend the brand new eUS National Army that is lead by Deificus, Alexander Hamilton, and other esteemed citizens!

eUS Army (Official eUS Armed Forces)

Ultramarines (Militia)

Seal Team 6 (Militia)

EZ Company (Militia)

Training Corps (not official eUS Armed Forces, but very solid)

I hope this advice proves useful to you and please pass it on to your friends and new players. We must work together in the days ahead and be prepared for hard times, so be a team player!

P.S. The US and Brozil both kicked Spain’s butt yesterday and France is doing work against them as you read this!

Hell yeah Terra!