SpeedKing for congress (117th issue)

Day 975, 10:26 Published in United Kingdom Latvia by SpeedKing
People of United Kingdom have waited for this way too long. SpeedKing has decided to run for congress in North-West of England.

Calling SpeedKing experienced would be a great understatement. On the day before July congress elections he will celebrate his second birthday. He was born in Thailand where he was elected in congress an impressive 5 times. He successfully led the Thailand Defence Party to success and was appointed the Secretary of Foreign Affairs during Jack Roberts' rule. He became bored, however, and left the game in January 2009.

Time spent in Thailand wasn't wasted, he met a lot of people during this time, including Cavalcanti, Antonio Salgado, Korbin King, s33vald, GLaDOS and that's just naming the people who were presidents before or after coming to Thailand. He also became a supporter of PEACE (the alliance now known as Phoenix) during this period.

Three months later, Latvia was created. As one of the most experienced players of in the new country, he was given the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. After Finland took over two of the country's regions, he left the government and blamed it on himself. After Hungarian tanks helped to restore Latvia in its entirety, he got involved in a new, centre-right party which during the baby-boom became the largest party in the country. He also got involved in the making of Latvian Army.

After being promoted to Minister of War, SpeedKing was one of the most popular and respected politicians of Latvia. When the long-time president Nameisis resigned due to lack of time and SpeedKing followed suit, some believed this could be in preparation for a presidency bid. However, he vowed not to run for presidency until it's the right time. After a few months away from the active politics, he returned as the Minister of Culture. During these two months he reestablished himself as one of the most prominent people in Latvian politics.

In preparation for something more, SpeedKing returned as Minister of Foreign Affairs in February. After a succesful month in this position he felt ready to run for presidency. In a fierce battle with a candidate the growing right-wing party which had never won the presidential elections he lost. Party leader shouted slogans such as: "The elite has been pulverised" or "SpeedKing hasn't got the heart of a warrior". The president, however, found it hard to live up to expectations. After failing to form a government, he resigned and SpeedKing became the president. His presidency was ranked 5th best out of 9 presidents in a poll celebrating one year of Latvian independence.

However, dealing with same situations with same people made SpeedKing bored. He decided to leave Latvia. So, the popular politician (10-time congress member and member of nearly all governments of Latvia) left for the UK, the only English-speaking Phoenix country.

Although he got the citizenship on June 18, he decided to wait a month to understand UK. He now understands UK and is ready for congress.

SHORT VERSION: born in Thailand two years ago, left the game for some time and then returned in Latvia. Been Minister of Culture, Foreign Affairs and War. Been president. Arseload of experience.

As a congressman I plan to fight for the good of the people of North West of England, as well as the whole country. I believe now is the time for a baby boom, considering V2 has recently started. The old players haven't got such an advantage in game mechanics as they used to, however, they know enough to teach the newbies. Also, V2 is different in a number of ways and for this reason may attract players who didn't like eRepublik before, didn't want to try it or stopped playing at some point.

I am open to new ideas and propositions. As a congressman I would carefully consider each proposition and ways to improve it. I'm all for a productive congress and co-operation between MPs regardless of their party.

SHORT VERSION: I'm awesome, have got my ideas and am open to yours. Vote for me.

Simple. You have to live in North West of England (living in London isn't a must anymore: the reasons you should are that if anyone were to attack London, it would cost more if you'd live there and that you can deploy before a battle; you can deploy there if a war starts and use the London hospital). On election day, choose the Social Democrat Party and vote for SpeedKing. Make me happy :> If you need help (and that includes going to NWE for voting), PM me.

SHORT VERSION: there is no short version.


